Category Archives: Language Teaching & Technology

Technology and Language Students. Task two

TOPIC TWO: Language student perceptions of the usefulness of technology TASK TWO: Read the following article: Ayres, Robert. “Learner Attitudes Towards the Use of Call.” Computer Assisted Language Learning. 15.3 (2002): 241-249. Print. Based upon results of a survey of … Continue reading

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Technology and Language Students. Task one.

TOPIC ONE: Student variables in the use of technology for language learning Individual language students are going to respond quite differently to the use of technology in the classroom. Some will find it useful; some will strongly dislike it; some … Continue reading

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Technology and Language Teachers. Task two.

TASK TWO Reading: Sandholtz, Judith H, and Brian Reilly. “Teachers, Not Technicians: Rethinking Technical Expectations for Teachers.” Teachers College Record. 106.3 (2004): 487-512. Print. Briefly state your opinion as to how much a language teacher needs to be a technician … Continue reading

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