Category Archives: Language Teaching & Technology

Technology and Language Teachers. Task one.

TASK ONE Readings: Franklin, Teresa, Mesut Duran, and Mumbi Kariuki. “Mentoring Overcomes Barriers to Technology Integration.” Journal of Computing in Teacher Education 18.1 (2001): 26-31. Print. Lee, Kuang-wu. ‘English Teachers’ Barriers to the Use of Computer-assisted Language Learning’ . The … Continue reading

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A Portrait of a Language Student

I am a native Spanish speaker. My first exposure to other languages happened when I was in my mom’s belly. My family lived on an Island in the Caribbean where different languages were spoken.     At the age of six … Continue reading

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Language Teaching and Technology

Las entradas siguientes son parte del trabajo de un curso sobre enseñanza de idiomas con tecnología. Algunas entradas son parte de un blog creado específicamente como una tarea, otras son tareas propias de los distintos módulos.  

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