Architects apply the latest in fabrication, design, and visualization to age-old timber
Category Archives: Digital fabrication
Using advanced digital fabrication tools
Wander Wood Video
Lecture at University of Porto
I’m giving a public lecture this Wednesday in Porto at the University of Porto. Details here:
Canadian Architect Article
Robot Made Workshop Featured in Ubyssey Article
Nivretta Thatra (Science Editor & Master’s in Bioinformatics student) for the Ubyssey has done an excellent article on the Robot Made Workshop. Check it out here:
Wander Wood in Azure
We are excited to announce that the Wander Wood Pavillion has been included as a project in the article
5 Innovative Pavilions Activating Public Spaces
Robot Made 2018
We have successfully finished the 2018 Robot Made workshop!! Congratulations to all involved! The installation completed at the workshop can be found at Main Mall and University Boulevard. Many thanks to David Correa and Oliver David Krieg for teaching the workshop with me and everyone who attended – it was great working with everyone!
Photos by David Correa
ICD Workshop with Timber Tech Studio
Oliver David Krieg from ICD Stuttgart and David Correa from University of Waterloo led their second workshop on robotic fabrication of wood at UBC Centre of Advanced Wood Processsing. Timber Tech Studio students were in attendance as well as attendees from industry from all over the world.
Active Timber: Elastic Bending in Large Scale Structures: Workshop with ICD
David Correa and Oliver David Krieg from ICD Stuttgart held a robotic fabrication in wood workshop at UBC for students and industry. See the amazing timber structure and how it was built.
Images and other information here
Timber Fan most important show project at Shanghai Design Week
Timber Fan, the Assemblages Design Build Intensive Studio project was exhibited at Shanghai Design Week this fall and was chosen by the UNESCO Creative City Organization as the most important show project.
This installation was the final project from a design-fabricate studio taught at UBC to students of Southeast University and University of British Columbia in Summer 2014. The course was taught by AnnaLisa Meyboom (Asst Prof UBC SALA), Blair Satterfield (Asst Prof UBC SALA) in collaboration with Han Xiaofeng (Assoc Prof SEU), Zhu Lei (Assoc Prof SEU), Bao Li (Associate. Prof).
This studio is part of a greater effort to re-introduce Chinese designers to the use of wood, a renewable and highly sustainable building material.
Read more about the course here: