
Welcome to the Portfolio Community of Practice Webspace. This is a space to share resources, ideas and experiences about Portfolios/ ePortfolios and continue the dialogue around the value of Portfolios in learning and teaching across campus.

A Community of Practice…
A Community of Practice (CoP) empowers individuals and groups of people by providing these groups with opportunities to work collaboratively to develop the skills and resources they need to effect change in their own learning and teaching environments.

This community is open to anyone who has developed or is interested in developing a course and/or teaching portfolio, whether on paper or in an electronic format.

An ePortfolio is…
An e-Portfolio is an online collection of your work that you choose to represent your skills and interests to diverse audiences. Highly customizable, e-Portfolios allow the user to assemble subsets of their work to present to instructors, potential employers, and others via login.

Seminars and resources are offered in response to expressed needs and interests of the community members; individualized assistance is also available. Members of the Community of Practice are invited to share ideas, examples, resources and information about learning opportunities related to portfolios, at our monthly meetings and in this online space!

1 thought on “Welcome

  1. Thanks so much for posting the Power Point of the Dentistry ePortfolio project. I was planning to attend the presentation but was not able to get there, much to my dismay.
    I appreciated the quotes in the PP; they say so much! I was also interested in see- ing the assessment rubric, as this is part of my Master’s research.
    Thanks again!
    Karen Barnstable

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