Tag Archives: AAEEBL

Understanding the Evolution of E-Portfolio Practice: Where Do We Go from Here (Webinar)

CTLT will be hosting a ELI Webinar ‘Understanding the Evolution of E-Portfolio Practice: Where do we go from here, on January 13th from 10:00-11:00am. This will be an opportunity to hear more about current ePortfolio research and connect with other faculty and staff interested and/or using portfolios at the University.

Time/Date: January 13th, 10:00am-11:00am

Location: Irving K. Barber Learning Centre, Seminar Room, 2.22/23

Register: http://www.events.ctlt.ubc.ca/events/view/3129


Join Malcolm Brown and Veronica Diaz as they moderate this webinar with Gary Brown and Helen Chen. According to ECAR’s annual study of undergraduate students and IT, seven times as many students reported using e-portfolios in 2012 to facilitate their academic success as compared to 2010 (52% versus 7%). To better understand this marked growth, researchers have employed both quantitative and qualitative methods to investigate how e-portfolio practice by institutions, faculty, and students is evolving in higher education.

This webinar will highlight emerging findings from several sources including the annual membership survey of the Association for Authentic, Experiential, and Evidence-Based Learning (AAEEBL) and LaGuardia Community College’s Connect to Learning project. With a focus on how different methodological approaches are resulting in diverse insights into e-portfolio practice as well as informing new research directions for the field of e-portfolios, this webinar will engage attendees in a conversation about outlining a research agenda for e-portfolio practice and what kinds of methods and approaches would be the most effective in addressing these issues.

AAEEBL ePortfolio Research Study

The The Association for Authentic, Experiential and Evidence Based Learning (AAEEBL) is in the process of administering a world-wide survey of ePortfolio implementations in higher education. The survey results will be compiled and shared at the The AAEEBL International ePortfolio Summit 2011 in Boston, July 25 – 28 .  In addition, the results will be discussed in a number of follow-up webinars and online chats.  This survey is part of a larger research initiative that is trying to determine ” how eportfolios are being promoted in higher education globally and identifying the conditions conducive to successful implementation of eportfolios and associated pedagogies and assessment strategies.

If you are interested in completing this survey I have pasted the instructions and the survey link below. I will be posting webinars and chats discussing this survey as they become available.

We invite you to respond to these survey questions from your own individual, personal and professional perspective, focusing on a single eportfolio project or program with which you are involved.  You are not expected to feel responsible for speaking for your program or for what may be several eportfolio initiatives at your institution.  However, you are encouraged to forward information about this survey to colleagues who may also be working with eportfolios so that we may include a diverse range of eportfolio-related initiatives. This survey will take approximately 15-20 minutes to complete.

Please find this survey at:

Article Review of Portfolios in Higher Education

Hi all, the following article I have linked below looks at a survey of higher education institutions and their application of portfolios.

The Association for Authentic, Experiential and Evidence-Based Learning (AAEEBL.org) conducted a survey of its 100 institutional members in five countries this year and found 61 distinct uses of portfolios among the 20 institutions that responded.

Article: http://campustechnology.com/articles/2010/12/01/review-of-portfolios-in-higher-education.aspx