Tag Archives: learning portfolios

PebblePad ePortfolio Platform

I have been exploring PebblePad as an ePortfolio tool. It has some interesting functionality including hosting services for individuals and self-hosting options for institutions. This platform allows end users to upload assets (evidence) into the system, reflect on it and share it with other users or assessors as individual artifacts, webfolios, or blogs. I found the following features valuable in the context of learning ePortfolios in higher education:

  • The ability for the user to display evidence in multiple views
  • Wizards to guide users through the process of asset (artifact) development
  • Users can reflect on individual assets (artifacts)
  • Comprehensive assessment management including a gradebook, ability to set time release on feedback, options for calibrated assessment, links to learning outcomes

PebblePad resources

Introductory and advanced webinars
ePortfolio examples

**According to vendor currently only offering licenses for the UK and Australia but would assess on a case-by-case basis

If you have used PebblePad as an instructor, student or administrator I would love to hear your impressions. Please either write a comment below or email me directly at lucas.wright@ubc.ca

March Portfolio CoP Meeting Summary

The March Portfolio CoP meeting provided a great opportunity to share information and experiences developing and implementing learning ePortfolios. During the meeting Karen Gardner presented an engaging session describing her experience developing and implementing learning ePortfolios as an assessment and interactive learning tool in the Faculty of Dentistry.

Dr Gardner, described the development of Diastemas.net, a web platform designed for dental students that provides a space where they can participate in online learning communities and peer review with international colleagues. Dr. Gardner emphasized aspects of this project including the value of reflection and peer feedback in enhancing learning, the role of vertical integration in learning communities, and approaches taken to supporting the development of and interaction within these communities. I have linked the resources mentioned during the presentation below and attached the presentation slides to this email.

Presentation Resources

Palloff, R, and Pratt, K. (2007) Building Online Learning Communities. 2nd ed
Jossey-Bass, San Francisco.

West, R.(2010) A student’s guide to strengthening an online community.
Tech Trends Sept/Oct 54(5) 69-75.

Garrison, D., Anderson, T., and Archer, W. (2000) Critical inquiry in a text-based
Environment: computer conferencing in higher education. The Internet and
Higher Education 2(2-3) 87-105.

Hawkes, M. (2006) Linguistic discourse variables as indicators of reflective
online interaction. The American Journal of Distance Education 20(4) 231-244.

Watkins, C. (2005) Classrooms as learning communities. London Review of Education 3(1) 47-64.

Meeting Summary, January Portfolio CoP Meeting

Meeting Summary

January Portfolio CoP Meeting
Date: January 12th, 2011

Dr. Anne Scholefield facilitated an engaging presentation and discussion on her experience coordinating the ePortfolio program for the Teacher Education Office at the University of British Columbia. The lively discussion was wide-ranging and covered a number themes related to the implementation and development of ePortfolios including assessing ePortfolios, ePortfolio platforms and the implementation process.

Stay-tuned for the topic for the next Portfolio CoP meeting on February 8th from 10:30am to 12:00pm.


Teacher Education Office, ePortfolio Resources

Teacher Education Office, UBC, ePortfolio Support Site

Teacher Education Office, UBC, ePortfolio Examples

UBC Portfolio CoP Blog

All the best,
Roselynn and Lucas
Join the Portfolio Community of Practice here:

Roselynn Verwoord, Community of Practice Developer, CTLT
Portfolio: https://blogs.ubc.ca/etec565rverwoor/

Lucas Wright, Learning Technologist, CTLT
Portfolio: https://blogs.ubc.ca/eportfoliolucaswright/

Australian ePortfolio Project (2007-2009)


This project was funded by the Carrick Institute for Learning and Teaching in Higher Education and is a research project undertaken by the following institutions of higher education in Austrailia: Queensland  university of Technology, The University of Melbourne, The University of New England, The University of Wollongong

The project goals were to examine the current state of ePortfolios in the Higher Edcucation Sector in Austrailia and internationally, position Austrailia on the international ePortfolio scence and develop a resources and the establishment of a nation-wide community of practice.


Stage 1: The overarching aim of the first stage of the Australian ePortfolio Project was to examine the current levels of ePortfolio practice in Australian higher education

High level of interest expressed in the use of ePortfolios in the context of higher education, particularly in terms of the potential to help students become reflective learners

Stage 2: The aims of the second stage of the Australian ePortfolio Project were to focus on building the Australian community of practice through an online forum and through further ePortfolio symposium activities. The report documents the different stages of the research project, including the AeP2 symposium, the ePortfolio Practice Group on the ALTC Exchange and the AeP Toolkit.



ePortfolio Toolkit