Category Archives: Social Studies

More recommended articles from Historians Against the War

Announcements from HAW

1. As an addendum to an earlier message from the HAW Steering Committee, which gave information on making contact with Iraq Veterans Against the War chapters and other antiwar groups, for possible involvement in Fall teach-ins or other events, here is a link to a list of chapter contacts for Veterans for Peace:

2. Frank Brodhead, a history PhD and freelance author/activist, has begun a weekly series of mailings under the auspices of the antiwar coalition United for Peace and Justice, called Afghanistan War Weekly. Each issue summarizes, with links, numerous newspaper and magazine articles about the Afghanistan war. Anyone wanting to be on the e-mailing list can simply write to him at

3. In addition to the previously mentioned panel at the 2011 AHA convention on the “Long War” (featuring Herbert Bix, Andrew Bacevich, Carl Mirra, and Staughton Lynd) another panel at the same convention will treat “The Public Uses of History and the Global War on Terror” with panelists Juan Cole, Greg Grandin, and Carolyn (Rusti) Eisenberg. The convention will be in Boston, January 6-9.

Recent Articles of Interest

“McChrystal’s Strategy Shift: Reaffirming Afghanistan’s Al Capone”
By Gareth Porter, CounterPunch, posted May 25
The author is an investigative historian and journalist with Inter-Press Service

“’Overcoming the Bush Legacy’: New Language Is Not Enough”

By Ramzy Baroud, Z-Net, posted May 24

“”Prompt Global Strike” Has Deep Roots in American History”
By Ira Chernus, History News Network, posted May 24

“Cries from the Past: Torture’s Ugly Echoes”
By H.P. Albarelli Jr. and Jeffrey Kaye, Truthout, posted May 23

“Those Awful Texas Social Studies Standards: But What About Yours?”
By Bill Bigelow,” Z-Net, posted May 23
On conservative biases in other states’ history standards

They Seek Them Here, They Bomb Them There…: Obama’s Drone Blitz”
By Brian Cloughley, CounterPunch, posted May 21
The author is a longtime authority on South Asian military matters

“Obama’s Flailing Wars: A Study in BP-Style ‘Pragmatism’”
By Tom Engelhardt,, posted May 16

Critical Education publishes review of Whitewashing War: Historical Myth, Corporate Textbooks and the Possibilities of Democratic Education


Critical Education has just published a new issue. Check out Perry Marker’s essay review of Christopher R. Leahey’s book, Whitewashing War: Historical Myth, Corporate Textbooks and the Possibilities of Democratic Education.

Lastest articles from Historians Against the War

Links to Recent Articles of Interest

“Death Squads in Afghanistan”
By Francis Shor,, posted April 27

Winning All the Battles but Losing the War, Just Like Hannibal”
By Robert O’Connell, History News Network, posted April 26
The author is a history PhD who has had a 30-year career in Army Intelligence

“The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, Past & Present”
By Lawrence S. Wittner, History News Network, posted April 26
The author teaches history at SUNY Albany

“Can You Pass the Iran Quiz?”
By Jeffrey Rudolph,, posted April 24A
26-question quiz on Iranian history and society, recommended by Juan Cole in his Informed Comment blog

“The Urge to Stay”
By Tom Engelhardt,, posted April 24
On US decision-making on Iraq and Afghanistan, with historical parallels

“Rummaging in ‘The Hurt Locker’ for the Moral Equivalent of War”
By James Livingston, History News Network, posted April 19
The author teaches history at Rutgers University

“America and Dictators: Diem to Karzai”
By Alfred W. McCoy,, posted April 18 (from Asia Times)
The author teaches history at the University of Wisconsin-Madison

“On Karzai and Unreliable Partners”
By Andrew Bacevich,, posted April 15
Draws sardonic lessons for President Karzai from the contrasting fates of former US clients Ngo Dinh Diem and Chiang Kai-Shek. The author teaches history and international relations at Boston University

“The Pentagon Papers are Public This Time”
By David Swanson,, posted April 15
On Daniel Ellsberg and comparisons with the Iraq and Afghanistan wars

Staughton Lynd on Howard Zinn and other recent articles from HAW

The “Remembering Howard Zinn” session April 9, co-sponsored by HAW and the Labor and Working Class History Association (LAWCHA) at the Organization of American Historians annual meeting, was well attended and warm-spirited. An account appears on the Zinn Education Project’s web site, at The full text of Staughton Lynd’s featured speech at the session is also on the Zinn Education Project site and is included in the list below.

Links to Recent Articles of Interest

“Howard Zinn, Historian”
By Staughton Lynd (talk given in the “Remembering Howard Zinn” OAH session), posted April 12

“Left & Right: Prospects for Peace”
Symposium in The American Conservative, May 1 issue, posted April 12
On the prospects for unity of progressives and conservatives opposed to US wars

Interview with Andrew Bacevich on “Bill Moyers Journal”
Transcript of interview, mainly on Afghanistan, conducted April 9
Andrew Bacevich teaches history and international relations at Boston University

“Two, Three, Many Afghanistans”
By Michael Klare, The Nation, April 26 issue, posted April 7

“Micro-Geography Matters in Jerusalem”
By Dror Wahrman, History News Network, posted April 5
The author teaches history at Indiana University Bloomington

“Legitimation Crisis in Afghanistan”
By William R. Polk, The Nation, April 19 issue, posted April 1

“Can Anyone Pacify the World’s Number One Narco-State? The Opium Wars in Afghanistan”
By Alfred McCoy,, posted March 30
The author teaches history at the University of Wisconsin-Madison

“The Texas State Board of Education and History Standards: A Teacher’s Perspective”
By Ron Briley, History News Network, posted March 29
The author is a longtime history teacher, and currently assistant headmaster, at the Sandia Preparatory School

“Lying About Nuclear Weapons”
By Lawrence S. Wittner, History News Network, posted March 29
The author teaches history at SUNY Albany

“The ‘Long War’ Quagmire
By Tom Hayden, Los Angeles Times, posted March 28

Suggestions for these (more or less) biweekly lists can be sent to Thanks to Miriam Jackson and Larry Wittner for sending suggestions for this week’s list, along with Carolyn (Rusti) Eisenberg from the HAW working group for this project.

Can you teach creationism and still be “teaching to” the BC science learning outcomes?

Bill Ligertwood, director of the Kamloops Centre for Rational Thought, has filed a complaint with the British Columbia Ministry of Education over creationist lessons in science classes at Kamloops Christian School, which receives funding from the province.

Ligertwood is quoted in the Vancouver Sun saying, “there’s no way they should be teaching basically science fiction in science class. As far as we’re concerned, it’s no different than teaching the Easter Bunny is true in a science class.

“They can teach all the religion they want to teach, and that’s what they’ll do because it’s a Christian school, but it shouldn’t be in science class. It’s not science. This is an institution that is receiving public money and it’s teaching children lies.”

Section 76 of the School Act, make a distinction between public and independent schools in B.C.

A ministry spokesperson told Kamloops This Week, “Section 76 of the act requires all public schools to be conducted under strictly secular and non-sectarian principals and that no religious dogma or creed is taught.” However, “Parents who want their children to have a faith-based education program can go to an independent school, which is permitted to teach from the philosophical or religious perspective that the independent school authority deems appropriate.”

“What matters,” according to the ministry spokesperon, “is whether they’re teaching to the learning outcomes” as defined by the province.

Which really begs the question, are science teachers “teaching to” the learning outcomes when they teach religious beliefs as part of the science curriculum?

History, Texas-style and other recommended articles from Historians Against the War:

“Top Ten Reasons East Jerusalem Does Not Belong to Jewish-Israelis”
By Juan Cole, Informed Comment blog, posted March 23
On the history of Jerusalem from ancient times; the author teaches Middle East history at the University of Michigan

“Texas School Board Whitewashes History”
By Daniel Czitrom, History News Network, posted March 22
The author teaches history at Mt. Holyoke College

“Counterfactual: A Curious History of the C.I.A.’s Secret Interrogation Program”
By Jane Mayer, The New Yorker, March 29 issue
Dismantles Marc Theissen’s best-selling book Courting Disaster

“From the Philippines Conquest to Afghanistan, the U.S. Trains Local Police in Brutality”
By Jeremy Kuzmarov, History News Network, posted March 22 (first published in Asia-Pacific Journal)

“Twisting History in Texas”
By Eric Foner, The Nation, April 5 issue, posted March 18
The author teaches history at Columbia University

“The Pentagon Church Militant: The Top Five Questions We Should Ask the Penatagon”
By William J. Astore, TomDispatch.Com, posted March 18
The author, a retired Air Force lieutenant Colonel, teaches history as the Pennsylvania College of Technology

“Justifying Torture: Yoo Besmirches the Legacy of Jefferson”
By Ray McGovern,, posted March 16

“Torture and the Imperial Presidency”
By Cary Fraser,, posted March 15
The author teaches history at Pennsylvania State University

“The Travails of a Client State: An Okinawan Angle on the 50th Anniversary of the US-Japan Security Treaty”
By Gavan McCormack, Foreign Policy in Focus, posted March 12

“An Open Letter to President Obama: U.S. Foreign Policy and Post-Election Iran”
By Cyrus Bina,, posted March 12
Traces the history of recent decades of US-Iran relations

Anthropocentrism’s Antidote: Reclaiming Our Indigenous Orientation to Non-human Teachers

New issue of Critical Education just published:

“Anthropocentrism’s Antidote: Reclaiming Our Indigenous Orientation to Non-human Teachers” by Don “Four Arrows” Jacobs, Jessica London Jacobs, and Sage Ryan.

This is the second article in the Critical Education series “The Lure of the Animal: Addressing Nonhuman Animals in Educational Theory and Research”.

Recent articles from HAW

Links to Recent Articles of Interest

“Israel Sandbags Biden”
By Juan Cole, Reader Supported News, posted March 10
includes historical background

“Exit Strategies for Aghanistan and Iraq”
By Tom Hayden, The Nation, posted March 8
on Congressional dynamics and the state of the peace movement

“Let Europe Be Europe: Why the United States Must Withdraw from NATO”
By Andrew Bacevich, Foreign Policy, March-April, posted March 4
The author teaches history and international relations at Boston University

“The Pentagon’s Runaway Budget”
By Carl Conetta, Foreign Policy in Focus, posted March 3
on the rise in military spending since 1998, compared to past surges

“How to Fight a Better War (Next Time)”
By Tom Engelhardt,, posted March 2
on “lessons” from the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, tongue-in-cheek

“The System Works, Obama’s Approach Doesn’t”
By Stanley Kutler,, posted March 2
compares Obama to Franklin Roosevelt

“America, the Fragile Empire”
By Niall Ferguson, Common Dreams (from Los Angeles Times), posted February 28

“US Started a War of Aggression Against Afghanistan over 30 Years Ago”
By James A. Lucas,, posted February 26

Lastest article roundup from HAW

To members and friends of Historians Against the War,

Here are some notes, followed by links to recent articles of interest on HAW-related topics.

1. HAW and the Labor and Working-Class History Association (LAWCHA) are planning a special session, “Remembering Howard Zinn,” at the Organization of American Historians convention in Washington, DC in early April. The session will take place at 5:30 pm on Friday, April 9. Staughton Lynd, a friend of Howard for nearly fifty years, will speak, and there will be ample opportunity for attendees to share memories and thoughts.

2. The California Faculty Association (CFA) has called for a state- and nationwide day of action March 4 “to raise awareness about the crisis in public education and the need to fully fund our schools, college, and universities.” The CFA’s March 4 web site ( has information about events being planned in California and in a number of other states, with contact information.

Links to Recent Articles of Interest
“The U.S. Military’s German Fetish”
By William Astore,, posted February 18
The author, a retired Air Force lieutenant colonel, teaches history at the Pennsylvania College of Technology

“‘Government in a Box’ in Marja”
By Andrew Bacevich, Los Angeles Times, posted February 17
The author teaches history and international relations at Boston University

“Hold Onto Your Underwear: This Is NOT a National Emergency”
By Tom Engelhardt,, posted February 14
On the continuing legacy of 9/11

“The Script Calls for Victory, No Matter What: The Battle for Marjah”
By Patrick Coburn,, posted February 11

“Ending the War in Afghanistan”
By Ron Jacobs,, posted February 11

“Haiti: A Creditor, Not a Debtor”
By Naomi Klein, The Nation (March 1 issue), posted February 11
Draws heavily on Haitian history

“Preserving the Golden Rule as a Piece of Anti-Nuclear History”
By Lawrence Wittner, History News Network, posted February 8
The author teaches history at SUNY Albany

“Iraq Policy: D”
By Bonnie Bricker and Adil E. Shamoo, Foreign Policy in Focus, posted February 5

The working group for these biweekly collections of recommended articles consists of Matt Bokovoy, Carolyn (Rusti) Eisenberg, Jim O’Brien, Maia Ramnath, and Sarah Shields. Suggestions for articles to include can be sent to

Info on March 4th Strike and Day of Action

March 4th is right around the corner and the local, national and international anticipation for this historic day is growing by the minute. Students, teachers, staff, parents and workers from all over California, the nation and the world have been organizing and building for the Strike and Day of Action. Below is a tentative list of events that will be happening on March 4th in California.

If you have any information to add to the list below, have information on events from places outside of California or have any questions about March 4th, please email or visit and tell us what is being planned in your school, workplace, community for March 4th Strike and Day of Action.

In Solidarity,
Jonathan Nunez
Follow-up committee of the October 24th Conference

Regional Events

Los Angeles Regional Rally
* 3 pm Rally @ Pershing Square (5th & Hill) in downtown L.A.
* 4 pm March from Pershing Square to the Governor’s office
* 5 pm Rally @ Governor’s office (300 Spring St.)

East Bay/Oakland Regional Rally
* 12 pm-4 pm Rally @ Frank Ogawa Plaza (in front of Oakland City Hall, 14th & Broadway)
* March to the Ogawa Plaza Rally from:
-UC Berkeley: 12 pm Rally @ Bancroft & Telegraph, followed by March
-Laney College: 11 am Rally, followed by March
-Fruitvale BART: Assemble @ 11 am, March @ 11:30 am
* Travel to San Francisco Regional Rally (See regional listing below)

San Francisco Regional Rally
* 5 pm Rally @ San Francisco Civic Center

Sacramento/State Capitol Rally
* 11 am-1 pm Rally @ State Capitol (North Steps of Capitol)

San Diego Regional Rally
* 3 pm Rally @ Balboa Park, followed by March to governor’s office
* 4 pm Rally @ Governor’s office (downtown)

San Fernando Valley Regional Rally
* 3:45 pm gathering @ CSU Northridge Sierra Quad
* 4:15 pm March
* 5 pm Hands around CSUN
* 5:30 pm Rally @ CSU Northridge Sierra Quad

Local Events
UC Berkeley
* 7 am-12 pm Pickets
* 12 pm-1 pm Rally/Action @ entrance to Sproul Plaza (Telegraph & Bancroft)
* 1 pm-3 pm March from UC Berkeley to Oakland’s Ogawa Plaza
* Students, faculty, workers and campus community will travel to San Francisco Regional Rally (See regional listing above)

* 10 am Pickets
* 11:30 am Walk Out
* 12 pm Rally @ Bruin Plaza
(UCLA invites high schools and community colleges in the Westside area to join)

UC San Diego
* 11:30 Walk-out & Rally @ Gilman Parking Structure
* 12:30 pm March from Gilman to the Silent Tree outside Giesel Library and Rally there
* Students, faculty, workers and campus community will travel to San Diego Regional Rally (See regional listing above)

UC Santa Cruz
* 6:00 am Picket at the entrances to campus
* 9:00 am Rally @ main entrance to the campus (Bay and High)
* 12:00 pm Rally @ main entrance to the campus (Bay and High)
* 5:00 pm General Assembly @ main entrance to campus (Bay and High)

UC Riverside
* 1 pm gathering @ UCR Bell Tower
* 2:30 pm March from UCR to downtown
* 3:30 pm Rally @ University Ave and Market St. (Downtown Riverside)

CSU Bakersfield
* 11:30 am-1 pm @ the Student Union Patio (rain: Stockdale Room in Runner Café)

CSU Channel Islands
* Students, faculty, workers and campus community will travel to the San Fernando Valley to participate in San Fernando Valley Regional Rally @ CSU Northridge (See regional listing above)

CSU Chico
* 8 am sendoff for students, faculty, workers and campus community traveling to State Capital Rally (See regional listing above)

CSU Dominguez Hills
* Students, faculty, workers and campus community will travel to Wilson High School Long Beach and Los Angeles Regional Rally (See Long Beach details below or regional listing above)
* 11 am-1 pm students hold a fair on CSUDH East Walkway (Games to learn about public education costs, access and quality)

CSU East Bay
* 12 pm Rally/Open Mic/Speack Out @ Agora Stage
* Students, faculty, workers and campus community will travel to San Francisco Regional Rally (See regional listing above)

Fresno State
* 10:30 am March from NW corner of Blackstone and Shaw, go down Shaw to Fresno State
* 12 pm-1 pm Rally @ Peace Garden

CSU Fullerton
* Students, faculty, workers and campus community will travel to Los Angeles Regional Rally (See regional listing above)

Humboldt State
* 3 pm-5 pm Rally @ Humboldt County Courthouse-Eureka with CSU and K-12 faculty and students

Cal State Los Angeles
* 9:30 am Rally @ the USU area (Free Speech area)
* 2 pm March to Los Angeles Regional Rally (See regional listing above)

CSU Long Beach
* 12 pm-1 pm Rally @ South Campus, Upper Quad,
* 1 pm-2 pm Parade
* 4 pm Rally with K-12 and Community College (see below)

Long Beach: Wilson High School
* 4 pm Rally @ Wilson High School Gymnasium (4400 E. 10th St.)
* Music by Tom Morello (Rage Against the Machine, Audioslave, The Nightwatchman)

California Maritime Academy
* Students, faculty, workers and campus community will travel to San Francisco Regional Rally and Sacramento/State Capitol Rally (See regional listing above)
* 12 pm Street Theatre/Mock “Die-In” @ Maritime’s main quad

CSU Monterey Bay
* 11 am-1 pm Rally/March
* Followed by car-pools to Community Rally
* 4 pm Community Rally @ Colton Hall (570 Pacific St. between Madison & Jefferson)
– Contact: Kat General, 415-728-8927

CSU Northridge/San Fernando Valley Regional Rally
* 3:45 pm gather @ CSU Northridge Sierra Quad
* 4:15 pm March
* 5 pm Hands around CSUN
* 5:30 pm Rally @ CSU Northridge Sierra Quad

Cal Poly Pomona
* 1:30 pm- 2:30 pm Send off Rally @ – as CFA members, students and campus community board buses for Los Angeles Regional Rally (See regional listing above)

Sacramento State/Sacramento/State Capitol Rally
* 11 am-1 pm Rally @ State Capitol (North Steps of Capitol)
– Contact: Kevin Wehr, 916-541-2125

CSU San Bernardino
* 11:30 am March @ Marquee entrance (NW corner of University Pkwy and Northpark Blvd)
* 12 pm Rally @ Pfau Library

San Diego State/San Diego Regional Rally
* 11:30 am-12:00 pm collect video testimonials from students and campus community next to Aztec Center (Large “scoreboard” showing the loss of students, teachers and classes at SDSU due to budget cuts)
* 12:00 pm Rally by Aztec Center
* Students, faculty, workers and campus community will travel to San Diego Regional Rally (See regional listing above)

San Francisco Sate
* 7 am Campus Shutdown
* Students, faculty, workers and campus community will travel to San Francisco Regional Rally (See regional listing above)

San Jose State
* 11 am gather at San Jose City Hall
* 11:45 am March to San Jose State Tower Lawn (7th Street Plaza entrance)
* 12 pm Rally @ San Jose State Tower Lawn

Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
* 3:30-5 pm Rally @ Office of state Senator Abel Maldonado (1356 Marsh St., San Luis Obispo)

CSU San Marcos
* 10:30 am-11:30 am Teach-in on State Budget @ Academic Hall (ACD) 102 (simulcast to other classrooms)
* 12 pm-1 pm Rally @ Kellogg Library

Sonoma State
* 11:30 am Student Walk Out
* 12:00 pm-1:30 pm Rally near Stevenson Quad

CSU Stanislaus
* 11:30 am-1pm Rally @ campus Quad

Original list compiled by Steve Seltzer
Modified by Jonathan Nunez