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Linking Outward

Taking the suggestions from Berners Lee and Papert to heart, here are some FUN external sites that connect constructivism, hypertext and story. These may bring meaning to your knowledge construction.


The Global Read Aloud is an project that connects kids to books (non-hypertext versions). Hypertext connections can be shared with others around the world who are reading the same book. (read more in ISTE – Learning & Leading with Technology, December/January 2011-12, Vol. 39 No. 4 pp. 32-33)


Hyptertextopia – “is a space where you can read and write stories for the internet. On the surface, it looks like a mind-map, but it embeds a word-processor, and allows you to publish your stories like a blog.”

Hypertextopia Library – images of book covers connect to hypertext creations of the stories ‘within’. Try one of my favourite children’s stories – The Very Hungry Caterpillar – in hypertext format.


The Noon Quilt – presents a hypertext quilt woven together by individuals around the world, writing and describing what they saw outside their window at noon.


Deena Larson has created several FUN and interesting samples and resources with hypertext media.

1. Fun Da Mentals: Rhetorical Devices for Electronic Literature

2. Deena’s Virtual BookShelf


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