Yesterday we were given the chance to explore the grand concept of volleyball! Growing up I can easily say that volleyball was my least favorite sport. I had chicken arms and a lack of coordinator, which made every time I hit the ball feel painful. Include the lack of support from classroom peers and the teacher equals a lack of love for this wonderful sport. To this day I will never say ‘I LOVE VOLLEYBALL!’, but I will say that a positive atmosphere makes all the difference. Today’s group that presented showed the class that providing a high energy environment is possible without the competitiveness. Instead that provided constructive criticism and positive feedback without singling out anyone in the class. This made even the most
The last two weeks have also given me some more ideas when it comes to classroom management. While our presenters have provided high content lessons, I see key difference between teaching children and teaching adults when these lessons are performed. I feel like classroom management in a class may not be a challenge for me, but perhaps a PE gym class will be more difficult. I will need to invest in a whistle and be specific when I give instructions on who is to do what, what line the children will stand on, where the balls will go at the end of the activity, and so forth. Watching our last group pair us off into separate activities made me think ‘that’s so cool! But can I do that?’ It might take some time, but I’m up for the challenge!
Tag Archives: #volleyball
Movement Journal for Week 3 (Sept 25th): Amanda Santos
This week my group and I were in charge of teaching the class a lesson on net and wall games and we chose volleyball as our activity. In our lesson our transitions I thought worked really well, it was really seamless and quick. I think that the rotation stations worked well as well, if we had more time in the lesson that would have helped the students really get a feel for the skills that we were showing them. Our planning went really well and I feel like we fed off each other and we agreed on all our ideas and collaborated well on all aspects. For teaching, we all knew our roles and were helpful with our group mates to help with their own part. When we were planning our lesson we knew which skills we were strong at so when it came time to teach, we could use our background and success with a certain skill and really help out all our students. I think they were caught off guard with how hard we made them work but in the end they all participated and developed more skills within the lesson.
The students responded well to our lesson and were cognitive while at each station through their attention to each leader who was showing them the skill. They were physical at each station while applying what they had observed to their own skill level and trying to be better. The students were affective in their response to the lesson through being open to everything they were learning. The students’ eagerness to learn really help us teachers keep our enthusiasm up and give all we had to helping them improve their volleyball skills. Our transitions and the hustle of the students kept the lesson on time so that there was nothing to interrupt the flow of the lesson.
I was proud of myself and my group with what we came up with and our execution of the lesson as well. I think that our students learned a lot, shook off some rust and really enjoyed some volleyball which I think will come in handy during our intramurals.