Contact Lenses. Bye-bye Eye Sight

Do you wear contact lenses? I don’t. I don’t know how to order them, how to put them on, or how to clean them. But even though I have little to no knowledge on contact lenses, I do know this: Don’t sleep with them on!

About half of my friends wear contact lenses and at some point, I hear them say “I slept with my contact lenses on last night”. Guaranteed.

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The application of a contact lens. Source: Flickr Commons user suanie

At this point, some of you are probably thinking:

“Why do we say this?”

“What’s the reason for taking out contact lenses before bed?”

“What are the proper steps to cleaning them?”

Well, I am here to help answer these questions.

In a recent article published by CBC, ophthalmologist Tim Hillson addresses the fact that contact lenses prevent oxygen flow to the cornea, causing nutrient-providing blood vessels in the eye to expand. This makes the eye prone to infection. Leaving the contact lenses on over night allows bacteria build up that can penetrate the cornea.

There are 3 types of infection to the cornea:

Acanthamoeba keratitis: A rare infection caused by amoeba, often found in swimming pools, tap water, and hot tubs. May result in blindness.

Bacterial keratitis: An infection that proceeds rapidly. Caused by common bacteria like staphylococcuss aureus.

Fungal keratitis: An infection caused by a fungal organism. Usually involves pain in the eye.

Recently, Lian Kao, 23 year-old Taiwanese student became blind due to prolonged application of contact lenses. When I say prolonged – I mean 6 months! Kao did not remove her disposable contact lenses for 6 months straight, and even went swimming with them on. The cause of her blindness is said to be from Acanthamoeba (as described above), where amoeba ate her cornea during the course of 6 months.

An illustration of Amoeba proteus, by Joseph Leidy, 1879 − The organism that caused Lian Kao’s blindness. Rare but dangerous when infected. Source: Wikipedia

An illustration of Amoeba proteus, by Joseph Leidy, 1879 − The organism that caused Lian Kao’s blindness. Rare but dangerous when infected. Source: Wikipedia

Specialists say that the blindness caused by acanthamoeba is an extreme case, but they want the public to “realize the importance of using contact lenses as prescribed”. Well, I guess it is fair to say that Lian Kao learned it the hard way.

So how preventable are these infections? Easy. Just follow these 8 steps regularly.

  1. Wash and rinse hands with a mild non-cosmetic soap before handling contact lenses.
  2. Dry hands with a clean towel.
  3. It is a good idea to keep fingernails short and apply hair spray before you put in your contacts.
  4. Put on makeup after the contact lenses are in your eyes, and remove them before you remove your makeup.
  5. Always use disinfecting solutions that your eye care professional has recommended. Be aware that some eye products or eye drops are not safe for contact lens users.
  6. Never use tap water directly on the contact lenses, or put them in your mouth.
  7. Clean each contact by rubbing it gently with your index finger in the palm of your other hand.
  8. Clean contact lens case after every use, with either sterile solution or hot tap water and let it air dry. These cases should be replaced every three months.

Here is a video showing the steps, created by

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Aside from these steps, I also recommend getting eye exams or check ups regularly. Although you are not guaranteed protection from those nasty infections, just remember, doing something is better than doing nothing.

And again, don’t forget to take them out before going to bed.

-Lilly Inoue

Insects: great source of food for the future

Population is growing and as it reaches 9.1 billion in 40 years, food has to be produced 70% more. However, the source of foods, which is Earth’s resources, is dwindling as the population grows. So people are looking for a new food source that can replace the ones that we now eat and be more productive. What can be easily found, and what can be farmed inexpensively without any environmental harm?

According to the FAQ Forestry Paper, insects are the new food source for the future. There are some cultures around the world where people have been eating insects for centuries: Africa, Asia and Latin America…etc.The most commonly eaten insect during the rainy season in Africa is the caterpillar. Insects, for both Africa and Latin America, are very good source of  nutrients when people cannot go fishing. Also in Southeast Asia, various kinds of edible insects are consumed depending on the season and their habitat. As these countries show, entomophagy, a term used for insect eating,  is not a new idea, and soon, eating insects may be prevalent around the world.

Edible insects

Moreover, even though you think you are never going to eat insects, you are eating foods unconsciously that contain insect products. For example, color extracted from an insect called cochineal is used in food products, or even in medicines. Cochineal extract is a red dye that is commonly used in many different drinks and it is approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration. Insects can cause allergies according to the article, however, they do not have other harmful health risks.Now, why do people use insects in food products and eat them as food?

Insects are very good source of food because they are high in protein, fats, iron and other essential nutrients .They can be nutritious alternatives to other protein food sources such as meats.  Also, the FAQ Forestry Paper states that insects do not need much food to live and they do not need a big land to be farmed. Environmentally, insects do not emit much greenhouse gas from farm manure and urine as the most livestocks do.  Also, landclearing is not needed for farming insects, so we can keep the land as it is. Therefore, if we look at the efficiency, farming insects and eating them as the source of protein and other nutrients is better then faming livestocks and eating them.

The following video describes how the insects could be our future food source.

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It does still sound very strange if we think about a menu that is full of insect names, but who knows you might love the taste of insect.

By Shinhwo (Michelle) Bak

Gambling With GMO

Our diet is a foundational part of our existence. After finding out the importance of not only what we eat, but also the quality of what we eat I was familiarized with Genetically Modified Organisms also known as GMO’s.  GMO’s are a potential danger to our health. Genetically modified food as stated by the World Health Organization are foods derived from organisms whose genetic material (DNA) has been modified in a way that does not occur naturally, e.g. through the introduction of a gene from a different organism.

General information on GMO. Source: Flickr Commons

General information on GMO.
Source: Flickr Commons

Genetically modified crops and foods were introduced into Canada 15 years ago. We first started using GMO’s to address problems like food security, malnutrition, and agriculture efficiency because they produced higher yielding plants that are adaptable to soils and climates and required less water to grow. However a generation has not yet passed for us to see the long-term affects, like how they would affect us in our old age or affect our children. Could our children be involuntarily affected because of this? I came across a study that found that 93 per cent of blood samples taken from pregnant women, and 80 per cent from umbilical cords tested positive for traces of the chemicals from toxins of genetically modified foods.  Knowing these toxins are transferred to our children in the womb, they could very well be causing birth complications. This was enough evidence to prove to me that GMO’s are not safe for human consumption.

Top 10 foods to avoid with GMO. Source: Flickr Commons

Top 10 foods to avoid with GMO.
Source: Flickr Commons

When wondering why one would ever take the gamble with GMO, an idea suddenly dawned upon me… money! GMO is a multibillion dollar industry so it raises the question if GMO is really for the benefit of the world or just a moneymaking business. Because money has been invested into biotech companies that make these Genetically Modified crops and foods, turning back doesn’t seem to be an option. Regardless of what’s going on I will continue to spread awareness about GMO foods and the potential dangerous associated with it. They may or may not harm us, but the fact that this is even a question is bothersome.  This is one very large experiment that I refuse to be a part of.

Video with David Suzuki on CBC about potential dangers of GMO:
Source: Youtube
Author: Ahmet Üstün
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– Jenna Bains

Miracle Cures? Not Quite.

Hey, remember that miracle baby that was found to be HIV-free?

No? What about the HIV-killing bee venom?

How about the cure for all cancer, courtesy of you friendly neighbourhood mole-rat? They all sound so promising, don’t they? All the talk with “foresee[ing] a day when the … treatment could give … a lifetime free of toxic and costly antiviral drugs”  and “radically and potentially life-saving treatment[s]“.  At this rate, it sounds like the new “wonder-drugs” are just around the corner;  and when they hit the pharmacies and hospitals, the world will be a much, much better place.

So where’s the cancer drugs? Why aren’t pharmaceutical companies scrambling to raise beehives to harvest bee venom? And why are doctors still prescribing antivirals to HIV+ patients? What happened to those “major breakthroughs” and “game-changers”? To make a long story short, science doesn’t work like that. The science behind new drugs is a well-tested and extensively researched, and it follows a rigorous process.

LONG ROAD TO A NEW DRUG” by Lizanne Koch – own work. Via Wikibooks.








The development of a new drug begins with a breakthrough in research – things like a new therapy target, or a new way of treating a condition. A classic example of this is the key development in HAART therapy towards controlling the HIV virus, as shown in the video in detail.

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After first observing AIDS in the US in 1981, it took two years for researchers to confirm the source of the symptoms as the HIV virus in 1983, and another 4 years for the FDA to approve azidothymidine/AZT,  one of the first antiviral drugs effective against suppressing HIV. The video describes the molecular mechanism of AZT:

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Of course, AZT was ripe with side-effects; it took until 1991 for researchers to find effective antivirals which minimized the side-effects.  The entire process to develop today’s HAART took just over 10 years  – hardly “around the corner”. And this is a process repeated by many of the novel drugs proposed in academia  – it takes DECADES, if not years to develop a drug that is safe and effective.

So, where do all those “break-throughs” fit in? Well… That’s the thing. Even though science makes discoveries in cutting-edge fields on a daily basis, it takes months, if not years of follow-up experiments to confirm the results. Adding this to the arduous process of drug development, it may be a long, long time before a viable drug is developed, assuming the new proposed drug holds up in the experiments and the clinical trials. Of course, one can only hope that the breakthrough doesn’t turn out to be a false-positive, like the (ex-)HIV-free baby.

As for the daily media sensationalist titles, they may sound hopeful and optimistic (not to suggest that they’re not), but the point is to take them with a grain of salt. After all, a disease takes years to be understood scientifically, and longer still to develop a working treatment. And of course, always remember:

source: XKCD

Souce: XKCD

– James L.

Broken leg? Go print a new one…

Well, not really. But it might not be such a strange idea in the near future, as research into 3D printing continues to reveal incredible new uses for the technology.

3D-printing, professionally known as ‘additive manufacturing’ has already been around for a few decades, used to manufacture prototypes, or create cute desk ornaments and toys. Digital files contain the design of a model, and include instructions for the printer. Hundreds of different materials can be used, such as liquid plastics, powdered metals, nylon and ceramics. These materials are systematically hardened into a solid shape, with each successive layer forming a small part of the larger design.

One of the 3D printers widely available today on the market. Source: Flickr Commons user Creative Tools

Maker-Bot Replicator 2, one of the 3D printers widely available today on the market. Source: Flickr Commons user Creative Tools

We live in a world, however, where this kind of technology can do so much more than build ‘mini-me’ action figures. Imagine a natural disaster has just occurred in a remote location in the world, and only small aircrafts can reach the site. While it is still necessary to bring in medical professionals, some immediate aid can be provided in the form of 3D-printed casts, splints, and other medical supplies such as bandages and dressings. Syringe Extrusion, one method of additive technology, can use almost any liquid or paste to create a final product, meaning that one day we might even be able to 3D-print food, which would be particularly useful in situations like this one.

Now imagine an impoverished agricultural community, without the means to effectively sustain themselves. What can additive technology do for them? Machinery such as farm tractorswater pumps and tools for sustainable energy use (solar panels, wind turbines) can easily be printed and installed. This technology has the potential to increase the quality of life for many such communities, and the equipment would be cheaper than their mass-produced factory equivalents, due to the fact that 3D-printing eliminates the ‘assembly line’, so to speak. The power to create an object from widely available design software means that you won’t have the added costs associated with product development. Nor will you have any transportation costs, and this will also benefit the environment due to reduced CO2 emissions.

Arguably the most exciting use, though, is in the health industry. Researchers such as Ali Khademhosseini have been using this technology to ‘print’ natural sugar-based templates, on which to grow biological cells. These cells can then differentiate to grow different types of bodily tissue, including cardiac tissue and skin, which can be used in disease studies and drug therapy. For example, cancerous tumours have already been printed and reveal more about the specific proteins and characteristics of cancer than previous methods. Using these cells and tissues to test the effects of new drugs may also eliminate the controversial use of lab animals.

3D-printed ear and nose templates can be used to grow biological tissue. Source: Flickr Commons user UMHealthSystem

3D-printed ear and nose templates can be used to grow biological tissue. Source: Flickr Commons user UMHealthSystem

Transplant patients also benefit from 3D-printing; patients’ own cells are used to develop the needed tissues, thereby eliminating the risk of rejection of foreign transplants. Bone tissue is also being printed which may aid in the advancement of prosthetics, so who knows, maybe the title wasn’t so far off after all.

By Mikaela Stewart

SCIE 300 Course Blog Section 112

Welcome to the SCIE 300 course blog!

Here are few things to make note of before you get started with your posts. First of all, you should read the blogging resources page under the Create menu. This will help you out a lot if you are brand new to using WordPress. On this page you will find video tutorials about writing posts on this blog, adding media to your posts, tagging, and categorizing. You will also find a link to the rubric we’ll use to grade your blog posts.

Next, check out the blogging guidelines. Here you will find the answer to the question: “What are we supposed to blog about?” You can also check out one of last term’s blogs for some additional inspiration.

There are a few important things to keep in mind when blogging. Please do not assume that just because something is online, it is OK for you to use it. For example, unless it is explicitly stated, an image on the internet can not just be copied, saved, and used in your own post without permission to do so. We’ve provided you with a lot more detail about properly using online content, but if you have questions, let us know.

This blog also contains a lot of resources for you. For example, still under the Create menu, there is a  list of suggested software to use for your projects. We’ve also collected some writing and presentation resources.  Basic audio/visual equipment can be borrowed from SCIE300. Contact the course coordinator for more info.

Under the Explore menu, you will find some sample podcasts and videos, links that may be of interest or assistance, a list of groups and associations related to communicating science as well as a list of local museums and science centres. The Explore menu also contains a library resources page, which you should definitely have a look at. Finally, there is a bookshelf that lists relevant books that are on reserve for you in Woodward Library.

Let us know if you have any questions about the blog or would like to see any other resources made available. Or, if you find something that you think would be useful to the rest of the class, tell us, and we can add it to the resources. Better yet — write a post about it!

Happy blogging!

The Science 300 Team