
Flu Vaccine is Only 10% Effective Against H3N2 this Season

Source: Vox. Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

Did you get the flu shot this year, but end up coming down with the flu anyways? Or do you notice a lot of people around you still sick? There is a reason for that!

The effectiveness of the flu shot is extremely low this year, preventing only 10% of H3N2 flu cases among the ages of 20 to 64 years old. This means that if 100 out of 1000 unvaccinated people develop the flu, the number of cases will only drop to 90 out of 1000 vaccinated people. Therefore, people who were vaccinated should not consider themselves invincible this season.

Typically, the effectiveness of the flu shot is between 50 and 70 percent. However, when the dominant H3N2 strain is circulating during a given year, the vaccine is less protective. This is the case for this year. Because the virus mutates rather quickly as it moves through a population, it makes it very hard to design a vaccine to fight against all of the different strains. Another reason why the vaccine against H3N2 is underperforming this year may have to do with eggs.

Source: Business insider

Vaccines are made through an egg-based production method. Flu viruses are injected into fertilized hen eggs and left to replicate for several days. The virus is then harvested from the egg and inactivated to go into vaccines. However, researchers have recently discovered problems with this approach, specifically related to H3N2. They have noticed that H3N2  mutates to adapt to the egg, which causes the vaccine to be less effective in humans.

Source: Fox News

Now you might be thinking, should you still get your flu shot? … YES! Even though the H3N2 virus is dominant this year, other types of influenza viruses are also circulating and the vaccine can help protect you against them. The vaccine is usually quite effective against H1N1, which is another subtype of influenza A, and strains of influenza B. You don’t know which one you’ll get !

The flu shot does not give you full immunity, therefore, you should always considered other protective measures along with it. For example, you should always wash your hands with warm water and soap, avoid close contact with higher-risk individuals such as the elderly and stay home when you are sick to minimize spreading it to others.

Even though the vaccine is not perfect, it is still the best protection we have against flu viruses!

– Tammy Tang


Graphics Processing Unit (GPU): The protagonist of the new computing era

Most people know the Moore’s Law in Computer Science:  the number of transistors in a Central Processing Unit (CPU) doubles approximately every two years. However, this speed will stop in several years because of physical limitations. In contrast, Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) will keep this rate for a long time.

8:36pm Match 3 of AlphaGo vs Lee Sedol. The confidence of the human commentary is fascinating.

The rapid development of GPU is not the main reason why some people say the new GPU era is coming. The most important reason is the world is changing by deep learning. You may be not familiar with this term, but it is very possible for you to know AlphaGo, one computer program developed by Google, that beat the world No.1 ranked player of the board game. The program uses the algorithm of deep learning to know how to play the game (There is a short introduction video of deep learning below). What is the “brain ” of deep learning? The answer is GPU! You may hear that CPU is the “brain” of one computer, but GPU plays a more important role in artificial intelligence because its structure is perfect for the features of these algorithms.

“Deep learning involves a huge amount of matrix multiplications and other operations which can be massively parallelized and thus sped up on GPU-s.”, One Ph.D. in Computer Science said on Quora. Most people know one CPU usually have two to four cores, and the high-end CPU i7-8700k has up to six cores. However, GPU can have more than five thousand cores that are able to do operations parallelly.

In summary, because of the high-speed development of GPU and its huge advantages on deep learning, the nex computing era will be lead by it, so now you can understand why the prices of GPUs always are increasing 🙂


-Xiangshuo Li



Jogging Your Memory: Aerobic Exercise and Its Positive Implications on Memory Retention

Do you own a pair of runners that haven’t been worn in a while and is now collecting dust on your shoe rack? Science suggests – you may want to put them to use again.

Emerging studies shown that aerobic exercise can slow down aging of the brain and have positive implications on cognitive abilities such as memory retention. Several studies shown that individuals who regularly exercise occupy larger volumes of the brain involved in memory compared to individuals that do not exercise.

What exactly is it about physical exercise that has such an impact you might ask?
Upon light to intense levels of aerobic exercise, the body produces a spectrum of signalling chemicals. One of the chemicals that gets released yields the production of a very important protein called brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) which gets released in the brain and muscles. When produced in the body, BDNF maintains existing brain cells, promotes the growth of new blood vessels in the brain and encourages growth of the hippocampus, a region of the brain that is associated with memory.

Figure 1. Anatomy of brain. Source: Anatomy & Physiology, Connexions Web site

Why this should concern you.

The size of the hippocampus decreases with age which often leads to memory decline and decrease in mental efficiency. In many older adults, cognitive deficits are commonly associated with old age. Researchers estimate that by 2050, there will be more than 115 million people that will suffer dementia globally. However, evidence shows that memory decline and aging of the hippocampus can be reduced and ultimately lower chances of dementia by exercising regularly.

Is one form of exercise more beneficial than the other?

As of now, researchers have not yet found an answer. The reason being is that most of the studies conducted only experimented with walking and/or running. However, it is suggested from the studies available that any type of exercise that would be able to elevate the heart rate to a certain level would produce these cognitive benefits.

As someone who enjoys being physically active and mainly weight trains, I was astonished about the benefits of aerobic exercise – all of this was new information to me. Ever since I learned further about these benefits of aerobic exercise, I have incorporated running to achieve a healthier, more cognitively efficient brain.

Figure 2. Man running. Source: Kyle Cassidy

If you are physically able to exercise and do not currently do so, I hope this post encourages you to reach for your pair of runners, go out, and “jog your memory”.


It is never too late to start exercising.

– Aron Ha

Brainless slime mold grows in pattern like Tokyo’s subway system

Physarum polycephalum, literally the “many-headed slime”

You may have spotted these yellow slime mold in your backyard, they flourish in shady, moist areas, such as decaying leaves. It is a single-celled organism that is not an animal, plant nor fungus. Scientists classify them to the taxonomic group named Protist, which is a group of organisms that are unicellular or unicellular-colonial and form no tissues. Slime mold isn’t capable of forming tissues, let alone organs or body systems. But surprisingly, a group of scientists from Japan found the brainless slime mold, Physarum polycephalum, to be able to remember, decide and solve complex optimization problems.

A group of researchers led by Toshiyuki Nakagaki from the Hokkaido University in Japan, placed Physarum polycephalum in a petri-dish scattered with oat flakes. The position of food scraps was deliberately placed to replicate the locations of some of the most visited site in Tokyo. In the first few hours, the slime mold’s size grew exponentially, and it branched out through the entire edible map. Within a few days, the size of its branches started to shrink, and the slime mold established a complex branching network between the oats on the petri-dish. Despite growing and expanding without a central coordination system like the brain, the mould had re-created an interconnected network made of slimes that looks almost exactly like the efficient, well-designed Tokyo subway system.

Comparison of the Physarum branching networks with the Tokyo subway networks

As you may know, the Tokyo’s rail system is one of the best in the world. With 102 train lines, it serves an estimated 14 billion passengers per year. Such a legendary metro system is the fruit of collaboration between community dwellings, civil engineering, urban planning over decades. However, the lowly slime mold solve this complex spatial problem in a matter of just a few days.

A beautiful map of the complex Tokyo subway system

Slime mold has been evolving on our planet for an estimation of at least 600 million years, and has survived through countless rounds of evolutionary competition. If we could capture the essence of this ancient adaptive network formation system and summarize it in to engineering and biological models, it will certainly inspire new algorithms that guides network construction many domains.

—-Ran Bi