Tag Archives: science

Treating Depression: Personalized Deep Brain Stimulation

How would you feel if the treatment or medication you were taking had little to no effect in suppressing your symptoms? Unfortunately, this is the case for 1 in 3 patients diagnosed with depression. These patients fall under a category known as treatment-resistant depression. Personalized deep brain stimulation, a promising alternative to conventional treatments, has the potential to treat various forms of depression by allowing physicians to tailor treatment to an individual.


Depression, which is characterized by low mood, is linked to an imbalance of serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine neurotransmitters in the brain. It is a common mental illness that affects the way someone feels, thinks, and acts. However, it is important to note that depression varies significantly among individuals and many other factors play a role.

Source: flickr.com

As stated by Ben Paul from USC Viterbi School of Engineering,

“Mental disorders can manifest differently in each patient’s brain.”

There is no single treatment that can effectively treat the symptoms of depression among all diagnosed individuals. This makes it hard for physicians to provide the best treatment for their patients.


Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is a surgical procedure where electrodes are implanted within specific areas of the brain. By electrically stimulating these parts of the brain, physicians can reduce the symptoms associated with depression. The amount of stimulation is controlled by a pacemaker that is placed under the skin on the chest.

The video below explains this procedure further and contains an interview with Edi Guyton, a patient who had this surgery: 

Source: CNN | Youtube


Even with deep brain stimulation, each patient’s response to treatment will be different. However, one of the pros of deep brain stimulation is that it results in immediate changes. This is the key component that allows physicians to personalize treatment. A 2021 research study led by Dr. Maryam Shanechi and her team at the USC Viterbi School of Engineering explains an approach that can be used to predict and see how an individual’s brain responds to stimulation. Her research will allow physicians to monitor brain regions in real-time.

How is this done? 

       Two tools have been designed: 

  1. Electrical stimulation wave to map brain activity
  2. Machine-learning techniques that can learn the mapped brain activity which is collected during stimulation 

The stimulation wave tool randomly changes the characteristics (amplitude and frequency) of the electrical impulse over time. A change in these characteristics is the equivalent of changing the dosage of a medication. Analysis of brain activity during these changes will help physicians determine the correct stimulation doses. 


Dr. Maryam Shanechi’s research will allow physicians to personalize deep brain stimulation for all patients diagnosed with depression. This can help physicians overcome the difficulty of assisting individuals with treatment-resistant depression. Success within this field of personalized deep brain stimulation not only holds great potential for treating depression but can also lead to improved treatments for other psychiatric disorders. 

Source: flickr.com


– Samantha Nalliah

Microalgae Used to Create Biodiesel: An Organism That Can Save Our Planet?

As time continues to move forward, global climate change is becoming an ever-growing issue. In order to mitigate the effects of global warming, we as a society need to change our ways of living. Due to rapid industrialization and urbanization, there is an increased amount of pollutants emitted into the atmosphere that are slowly damaging the earth. In today’s world, most of the energy production is coming from fossil fuel burning, which is the key source of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions to the atmosphere. Energy demand will continue to increase and as of right now, fossil fuels still contribute to 82% of the global demand. The figure below displays gas emissions from various modes of transportation.

Source: bbc.com

An article written in 2020, by Ashokkumar Veeramuthu and team, describes the potential use of microalgae to produce biodiesel. You may be asking, what are microalgae and what the heck is biodiesel? Let’s jump straight into it.

What is Biodiesel?

Biodiesel is made from materials such as plant oils. It’s an alternative to petroleum diesel and emits much less harmful substances into the atmosphere. Since we are slowly killing our planet, replacing our non-renewable energy sources with green alternative sources doesn’t sound like a bad idea.

Why use Microalgae?

You may be wondering, what is so special about microalgae? Why can’t we use some type of terrestrial plant like corn to produce biodiesel? Studies show that the use of microalgae is the best option for the production of a renewable and sustainable source of energy. Microalgae are photosynthetic organisms living in wet environments that can convert sunlight, water and COinto biofuel. There has been a shift of attention towards microalgae to produce biodiesel because microalgae provide many advantages over terrestrial plants. The benefits of microalgae include high lipid concentrations (which can easily be converted to biodiesel through a process called transesterification), rapid growth and minimal nutrient requirements. The table below compares values of the biodiesel productivity of microalgae and other plants.

Biodiesel productivity of different feedstocks. Source: intechopen.com

Microalgae also tend to grow 10x more rapidly than terrestrial plants and less than 10% of the land is required to produce the same amount of biomass. Additionally, microalgae don’t require large amounts of fertilizers to grow, unlike terrestrial plants. The cultivation of microalgae can be carried out by using wastewater, since it is rich in key nutrients. Furthermore, the use of wastewater decreases costs greatly and makes biodiesel production commercially viable.

This video showcases the general process of biodiesel production in a nutshell:

Source: David T. Kearns (YouTube)

In today’s world, there’s a shift of attention to deal with the issue of climate change. From Elon Musk creating fully electric vehicles to Joe Biden rejoining the Paris climate accord within hours into presidency, we as humans are finally taking initiative to save our planet. The future of creating fuels from microalgae sounds promising and having a range of renewable sources of green energy will be beneficial to us in the coming time.

– Parwaz Gill

Laughter: The Mysterious Stress Reliever?

Laughter. As human beings, it’s something that most of us are bound to experience. Whether it’s from browsing YouTube and finding a ridiculous dog fail compilation, or when your friend cracks out a joke that you just find funny for some apparent reason, the feeling of laughter is a common occurrence in our lives.

Laughter is something that we take for granted. If we find something funny, then we’re going to laugh. However, scientists to this day are unable to figure out the reasoning behind laughter. In fact, the results from the many studies that do exist out there further confirm that laughter is much more complex than we think. A recent study conducted by Dr. Zander-Schellenberg and others were able to attribute this strange phenomenon as a way to relieve stress.


Check out the video below by YouTube user Life Noggin, which does a great job of going over the origins of laughter.

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laughter can help relieve stress?

In order to test the effects of laughter on stress in daily life experiences, Dr. Schellenberg and others collected data from 41 psychology students, 33 of which were female, from the University of Basel in real-life settings for 14 consecutive days. Through the usage of a smartphone application, a sound queue that triggered randomly throughout the day would remind participants to answer questions related to laughter, as well as any details regarding their current levels of stress and stressful events.

The results of the study were astonishing; it was found that increased laughter weakens the effects of stressful events, while also dampening certain symptoms that may arise from stress.

By investigating the effects of laughter on stress outside the laboratory, the study was able to be more closely related to real-life experiences. However, as the sample consisted of mainly female students, recreating the experiment with a sample that more closely represents the general population is something that could solidify their findings.

A photo of two people laughing, by Emanuele Spies from São Leopoldo, RS, Brasil, CC BY 2.0 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0>, via Wikimedia Commons

To take away from all this, think of laughter as a cheap and effective form of medicine. If, for whatever reason, you’re having a bad day, go and watch your favorite comedy show, or crack jokes with one of your friends for a quick laugh!

Here is a video by YouTube user keees121 that I recommend if you’re feeling down:

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-Aaron Yoon


Baby Sharks Face a Gloomy Future

Sharks are considered the lions of the sea, but due to climate change they are losing their glory. With global warming causing the rise of ocean temperatures, one particularly tough and beautiful species, the epaulette shark, sometimes referred to as the walking shark, may be heading towards disaster.

An Epaulette Shark

An Epaulette Shark: Source: flickr.com/Richard Ling

The epaulette shark is typically 70 – 90 cm in length and has dark spots running up and down its slender body. This shark notably has a large black circle outlined in white on each of its sides. It lives in the Great Barrier Reef in Australia and finds its food in shallow puddles between the coral. This shallow environment is dangerous; leaving most fish stranded out of the water, left to die under the hot sun. This amazing animal is not so easily defeated and is able to conserve its breath and march back towards the sea. The impressive survival mechanisms of the epaulette shark are shown and described in the video below created by PBS in 2017.

Video Source: Nature on PBS| Youtube

The epaulette shark has proven itself to be resilient in low oxygen environments. Previous experiments even found that their eggs and newborns are tolerant to ocean acidification. Regardless of this resilience, rising temperatures still pose a serious threat, especially to its offspring.

A new study carried out by Ph.D. candidate Carolyn Wheeler on the eggs of epaulette sharks, showed that increasing ocean temperatures significantly affect the development of its young. The researchers analyzed the growth of epaulette shark embryos until they hatched, at temperatures of 27°C, 29°C, and 31°C . It was found that the embryos grew faster at the higher temperatures, as in the warmer water the sharks tended to consume their yolk-sacks quicker, which is their only source of food before they hatch. This in turn caused them to hatch sooner, and due to the reduced time in their embryos, they were born smaller and lacking in energy. The newborns which hatched at higher temperatures struggled to survive and needed to eat significantly sooner after birth compared to those at 27°C. Other studies have additionally observed, that at 32°C the likelihood of epaulette shark eggs hatching becomes very low.

Epaulette Shark Embryo: Source: flickr.com/CLF

The average temperature of the Great Barrier Reef is currently at 28°C during the period of embryo development in the wild, but with climate models predicting that average temperatures in this region will rise to 32°C by the middle or end of the century these animals are in trouble. As we explored earlier, epaulette sharks are known to be tolerant to acidic conditions and are more resilient than any other shark to low oxygen environments.

Since the increasing temperatures will likely have a detrimental impact on the epaulette shark – which is considered a tough and resilient species – we can only imagine the negative impacts it will have on other more vulnerable wildlife.

– Adam Soliman

Treating Depression: Personalized Deep Brain Stimulation

Source: flickr.com

How would you feel if the treatment or medication you were taking had little to no effect in suppressing your symptoms? Unfortunately, this is the case for 1 in 3 patients diagnosed with depression. These patients fall under a category known as treatment-resistant depression. Personalized deep brain stimulation, a promising alternative to conventional treatments, has the potential to solve this problem by allowing physicians to tailor treatments to an individual’s needs.

The Problem

Depression, which is characterized by low mood, is linked to an imbalance of serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine neurotransmitters in the brain. It is a common mental illness that affects the way someone feels, thinks, and acts. However, it is important to note that depression varies significantly among individuals and many other factors play a role. As stated by Ben Paul from USC Viterbi School of Engineering,

“Mental disorders can manifest differently in each patient’s brain.”

There is no one single treatment that is able to effectively treat the symptoms of depression among all diagnosed individuals. This makes it hard for physicians to provide the best treatment for their patients.

What is deep brain stimulation?

Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is a surgical procedure where electrodes are implanted within specific areas of the brain. By electrically stimulating these parts of the brain, physicians can reduce the symptoms associated with depression. The amount of stimulation is controlled by a pacemaker that is placed under skin on the chest.

The video below explains this procedure further and contains an interview with Edi Guyton, a patient who had this surgery: 

Source: CNN | Youtube

Promising Alternative: Personalized Deep Brain Stimulation 

Even with deep brain stimulation, each patient’s response to treatment will be different. However, one of the pros of deep brain stimulation is that it results in immediate changes. This is the key component that allows physicians to personalize treatment.

Research led by Maryam Shanechi and her team at USC Viterbi School of Engineering have figured out a way to predict and see how an individual’s brain responds to stimulation. This allows physicians to monitor brain regions in real time.

How is this done? 

           Two tools have been designed: 

  1. Electrical stimulation wave to map brain activity
  2. Machine-learning techniques that are able to learn the mapped brain activity which is collected during stimulation 

The stimulation wave designed by Maryam and her team randomly changes amplitude and frequency of the electrical impulse over time. A change in amplitude and frequency would be the equivalent to changing the milligram dose of a pill. Analysis of brain activity during these changes will allow physicians to arrive at the correct stimulation doses.  As a result, physicians will be able to personalize and tailor the deep brain stimulation for the individual. 

This treatment can be used to find an effective approach for almost all patients diagnosed with depression.  Success within this field of personalized deep brain stimulation will hopefully lead to more application for other mental disorders. 

– Samantha Nalliah



Microalgae Used to Create Biodiesel: An Organism That Can Save Our Planet?

It is quite obvious by now that if we don’t change our ways of living, our planet is doomed. Due to rapid industrialization and urbanization, there is an increased amount of pollutants emitted into the atmosphere that are slowly damaging the earth. In today’s society, most of the energy production is coming from fossil fuel combustion and this is the key source of COemissions to the atmosphere. The primary energy demand will continue to increase and as of right now, fossil fuels still contribute to 82% of the global demand of energy.

Source: bbc.com

An article written by Ashokkumar Veeramuthu and team describes the potential use of microalgae to produce biodiesel. You may be asking, what are microalgae and what the heck is biodiesel? Let’s jump straight into it.

What is Biodiesel?

Biodiesel is made from materials such as plant oils and animal fats. It’s an alternative to petroleum diesel and has a more favourable combustion profile as it emits much less CO, COand SOinto the atmosphere. Since we are slowly killing our planet, replacing our non-renewable energy sources with green alternative sources doesn’t sound like a bad idea.

Why Use Microalgae?

You may be wondering, what is so special about microalgae? Why can’t we use some type of terrestrial plant like corn to produce biodiesel? Studies show that the use of microalgae is the best option for the production of a renewable and sustainable source of energy. Microalgae are unicellular photosynthetic organisms living in aqueous environments that convert sunlight, water and COinto algal biomass. The reason why there has been a shift of attention towards microalgae to produce biodiesel is because microalgae provide a large range of advantages compared to terrestrial plants. The benefits of microalgae include high lipid concentrations (which can easily be converted to biodiesel through a process called transesterification), rapid growth and minimal nutrient requirements. The table below compares values of the biodiesel productivity of microalgae and other plants.

Amount of biodiesel productivity for different feedstocks. Source: intechopen.com

Microalgae also tend to grow 10 times more rapidly than terrestrial plants and less than a tenth amount of land is required to produce the same amount of biomass. Additionally, microalgae don’t require immense amount of fertilizers to grow unlike terrestrial plants. The cultivation of microalgae can be carried out by using wastewater, since it is rich in key nutrients. Furthermore, the use of wastewater decreases costs of cultivation greatly and makes biodiesel production commercially viable.

This video showcases the whole process in a nutshell:

 Source: David T. Kearns (YouTube)

In today’s world, there’s a shift of attention to deal with the issue of climate change. From Elon Musk creating fully electric vehicles to Joe Biden rejoining the Paris climate accord within hours into presidency, we as humans are finally taking initiative to save our planet. The future of creating fuels from microalgae sounds promising and having a range of renewable sources of green energy will be beneficial to us in the coming time.

– Parwaz Gill

Baby Sharks Face a Gloomy Future

Sharks are considered the lions of the sea but due to climate change they are losing their glory. With global warming causing the rise of ocean temperatures one particularly tough and beautiful species, the epaulette shark sometimes referred to as the walking shark, may be heading towards disaster.

An Epaulette Shark

An Epaulette Shark: Source: flickr.com/Richard Ling

The epaulette shark lives in the Great Barrier Reef in Australia and finds its food in shallow puddles between the coral. This shallow environment is dangerous and would leave most fish stranded out of the water left to cook and die under the sun. This amazing animal is not so easily defeated and is able to preserve its breath and march back towards the sea.

Video Source: Nature on PBS| Youtube

The epaulette shark has proven itself to be resilient in low oxygen environments but rising temperatures may not be handled so well, especially by its offspring.

A new study conducted by PhD candidate Carolyn Wheeler on the eggs of epaulette sharks showed that increasing ocean temperatures significantly affect the development of its young. The researchers analyzed the growth of epaulette shark embryos until they hatched, – at temperatures of 27°C, 29°C, and 31°C – measuring the growth, development and metabolic performance of the animals. It was found that the growth rates of the embryos increased at the higher temperatures, as in the warmer water the sharks tended to consume their yolk-sacks faster which is their only source of food before they hatch. This in turn caused them to hatch sooner, and due to the reduced time in the embryonic stage they were born smaller and lacking in energy. The newborns which hatched at higher temperatures struggled to survive and needed to feed significantly sooner after birth compared to those at 27°C. Other studies have additionally observed that at 32°C the likelihood of epaulette shark eggs hatching becomes very low.

Epaulette Shark Embryo: Source: flickr.com/CLF

The average temperature of the Great Barrier Reef is currently at 28°C during the period of embryo development in the wild, but with climate models predicting that average temperatures in this region will rise to 32°C by the middle or end of the century these animals are in trouble. As we explored earlier, epaulette sharks are known to be tolerant to low oxygen environments and are more so than any other shark. Additionally, in other experiments it has been found that their eggs and newborns are even tolerant to ocean acidification.

Since the increasing temperatures will likely have a detrimental impact on the epaulette shark – which is considered a tough and resilient species – we can only imagine the negative impacts it will have on other more vulnerable wildlife.

– Adam Soliman

Laughter: The Mysterious Stress Reliever?

Laughter. As human beings, it’s something that most of us are bound to experience. Whether it’s from browsing YouTube and finding a ridiculous dog fail compilation, or when your friend cracks out a joke that you just find funny for some apparent reason, the feeling of laughter is a common occurrence in our lives.

Check out the video below that not only showcases the diversity of laughter between all types of race and gender but also for a quick laugh!

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the mechanisms of Laughter is complex

Laughter is something that we take for granted. If we find something funny, then we’re going to laugh. However, scientists to this day are unable to home in on the exact science of the reasoning of laughter. In fact, the results from the many studies that do exist out there further confirm that laughter is much more complex than we think. As an example, one study conducted in PNAS suggests that we laugh differently depending on who it is directed to. Have you noticed that you laugh differently with your friends than with strangers? This is something that we have probably realized as well!

A photo of two people laughing, by Emanuele Spies from São Leopoldo, RS, Brasil, CC BY 2.0 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0>, via Wikimedia Commons

laughter can help relieve stress?

A recent study conducted by Dr. Zander-Schellenberg and others were able to attribute this strange phenomenon as a way to relieve stress. More specifically, an increased frequency of laughter was found to have a positive correlation with the ability to weaken the effects of stressful events, while also dampening certain symptoms that may arise from stress. However, it was found that the intensity of laughter did not have such a significant effect.

In order to see if the experiment applies to daily life experiences, data were collected from 41 psychology students, 33 of which were female, from the University of Basel in real-life settings for 14 consecutive days. Through the usage of a smartphone application, a sound queue that triggered randomly throughout the day would prompt participants to answer questions about both the frequency and intensity of laughter, as well as any details regarding their current levels of stress and stressful events.

By investigating the effects of laughter on stress outside the laboratory, the study was able to show greater validity towards real-life dynamics, however, Dr. Schellenberg and others suggest that future studies that replicate their findings are required in order to further test for robustness. As the sample consisted of predominantly female students, recreating the experiment with a sample that more closely represents the general population is something that could solidify their findings.



For more information about laughter, this video does a great job of not only going over the origins of laughter but also the significance of it:

YouTube Preview Image

-Aaron Yoon





How Safe is Your Data in a Quantum Computer Era?

Quantum computers have recently gone from science fiction to science fact. The tech has the potential to advance countless fields with its unparalleled computing power, but it may also spell the end of internet security as we know it. You are likely wondering what the heck is a quantum computer? And what does it have to do with internet security? 

Quantum Computer, Processor, Computer, Technology

Source: pxhere.com

Quantum Vs. Classical

In simple terms, classical computers use a system of 1’s and 0’s called bits in order to store information. Each bit can either be a 1 or a 0, and when you string lots of bits together, you can form complex information. Computing power is limited by how fast these bits can be read.

binary code, binary, binary system, byte, bits, administrator, virus, trojan, computer, digital, 1, software, code, developer, software development, program, hacker, blue, green, text, technology, line, pattern, font, mesh, energy, electric blue, net

Source: pxhere.com

Qubits are like bits, but instead of being limited as either a 1 or a 0, they can be both a 1, a 0, and anything in between all at the same time. While this concept may make your brain hurt, the important takeaway is that qubits allow quantum computers to skip step by step computing.

Let’s say you take a test. You answer the first question, then the second, and so on. This is how a normal computer works, but a quantum computer would be able to answer all the questions simultaneously. 

Understanding the basics, let’s figure out why internet security might be in the crosshairs of quantum computers.

Encryption for Everyone

You rely on encryption every day to keep your personal information safe online. While different encryption methods vary, the most common of these are public key encryptions

Computer, Encrypt, Encryption, Security, Green Computer

Source: pixabay.com

If I told you to multiply 556 by 632, you could easily use a calculator to find 351,392. But if I gave you that number and asked you to find two specific factors, you could come up with a bunch of different answers. 

Public key encryption jumbles up information and hides it behind a really large number like a “door”. To unlock this door you need the right factors or the “key”. Use a large enough number, and even the most powerful conventional computers would need thousands of years to crack the code.

Quantum Codebreaking

Factoring these large numbers would be easy for a quantum computer, as it would be able to guess every answer at the same time. A recent study published by the International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications concluded that:

The consequence of this technological advancement is the absolute collapse of the present public key algorithms that are considered secure…” (IJACSA)

Using qubits, computers could break a code that would take normal computers thousands of years to crack in mere hours. For a more complete understanding of how this could work check out this video:

YouTube Preview Image

Thankfully quantum computers still have a ways to go before they pose a real threat to our online security. Researchers are also developing quantum proof encryption, but who knows if it will be able to protect us from the coming quantum era. 

– Declan O’Driscoll

Use of Nanotechnology in Cancer Therapy

Would you believe someone if they told you that there is a type cancer therapy that is more effective and has less negative effects than chemotherapy, yet is less commonly used?

Cancer is characterized by the rapid division of cells anywhere in the body.  Every day, your body produces many potentially cancerous cells that are later destroyed. Moreover, every year, over 10 million people are diagnosed with cancer. With such a large amount of diagnoses, cancer remains one of leading causes of human death as it is generally incurable due to the metastasis of cancer cells.

Microtubules in breast cancer cells leading to rapid cell division.

Credit: National cancer institute. Downloaded from: Unsplash.com

An article by Ranjita Misra and her research team  describes a new yet promising technique in cancer treatment and early detection known as nanotechnology cancer therapy.  Today, treating cancer through radiation and chemotherapy is the most popular option. Chemotherapy has numerous negative effects like drug resistance and an insufficient amount of drug reaching tumour sites. This can lead to insufferable side effects as both cancerous cells and healthy cells are destroyed. 

The use of nanotechnology in cancer therapy involves the production of small particles called nanoparticles that are effective in transporting anticancer drugs to target cells while minimizing damage to healthy cells. Nanoparticles target cancer cells through active targeting and passive targeting. Examples of nanoparticles approved by the FDA include nanoparticle-liposome and albumin nanoparticles. Liposomes in particular are vital in nanotechnology cancer therapy as drugs transported through nanoparticle-liposomes have shown to have significantly longer half lives, upwards of 55 hours. This is important as the drug is able to stay in the body for a longer time meaning less drug is needed, which reduces damage to healthy cells. Another reason liposomes are favourable is because of their composition. Their hydrophobic composition allows appreciable amounts of anticancer drug  to reach the tumour site as the body cannot destroy the drug . This is important in cancer therapy as damaging healthy cells due to excess drug is the main reason why chemotherapy has numerous side effects.  The mechanisms and benefits of nanotechnology cancer therapy talked about above are explained in more detail by Joy Wolfram (2018) in the video below.

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TEDtalk by Joy Wolfram in 2018 about nanotechnology in cancer therapy.


Liposomes and nanoparticles: nanosized vehicles for drug delivery in cancer - ScienceDirect

Liposome nanoparticle structure that is used for cancer therapy.

Credit: ScienceDirect. Downloaded from Unsplash.com

This breakthrough in cancer therapy shows that science is forever evolving and that in the future it is possible there will be a cure for cancer.  Although nanotechnology cancer therapy is a relatively new area of research it shows tremendous potential and over time it is expected that larger advancements in preventing and treating cancer will be seen. Lastly, it is believed by researchers that nanotechnology cancer therapy has the potential to be the main form of treating cancer in the future due to the fact that it has less side effects and is more effective than chemotherapy (Gharpure et al. 2015).

Balkaran Dhaliwal