Volunteer Work

Posted by in Event, Gallery, Podcast, Presentation, Volunteer, Writing

Volunteer Work

  • ACA@UBC, Graphic Designer.
    • Designed new ACA@UBC logo and promotional materials (ongoing).
  • SLA@UBC, Association Member.
  • UNIT/PITT Projects/Society for Art and Critical Awareness, Treasurer and Board Member.
    • Participated in the Fundraising Committee, the Institutional Memory Committee, and the Hiring Committee.
    • Managed gallery budget with Director/Curator and identified funding sources. Developed fundraising events and activities. Assisted with Succession Planning, Institutional Memory development, and hiring process for the new Director/Curator; including screening applicants, conducting interviews, and administration tasks. Assisted with on-boarding the new Director/Curator.
  • Moniker Press Studios​, Studio Member.
  • Charcuterie​ (publication) / Rice Cooker Hair Salon (Society), Board Member.
  • Artspeak’s ​Studio for Emerging Writers​, Resident.
    • Participated in an 10-month creative writing intensive workshop, facilitated by Sheryda Warrener and supported by Artspeak. Produced L​iminal Ziplock,​ a chapbook of poetry published by Artspeak, and hosted a writing workshop for the public.
  • LIT LIT LIT LIT, a bi-monthly reading series, ​podcast​ and ​chapbook publication​.
    • Co-organized 15 readings and over 60 participants with Steffanie Ling. Recorded and edited events into an 18 episode podcast series. Co-published 5 chapbooks of readings/writings. Provided editorial feedback for writers/readers.
  • ​Avenue Gallery and Studios​, Founding Member, Programming Co-organizer, and Website/Archives Manager.
    • Co-organized 18 events/exhibitions.
    • Managed website content and assisted with prepared digital media assets.