Gaia Foundation

The Gaia Foundation emerged in the early 1980’s to demonstrate how human development and well being are derived from the health and understanding of the living planet (Gaia), and indeed the Universe itself, of which we are an inextricable part. Its early focus was to support Indigenous communities in the Amazon in their struggle to secure the rights to their territory, and Gaia was successful in raising international awareness and support in Europe. A Micro-projects program for rainforest community initiatives enabled funds and technical support to be channeled to indigenous groups in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru and Venezuela (also in Thailand and Malaysia), for legal training, productive projects, territorial demarcation and cultural recuperation.

In Gaia Foundation, one of the main areas of work  is Indigenous knowledge. It is believed that Indigenous societies hold knowledge and wisdom to be of greatest value in life. Meanwhile, Indigenous knowledge is embedded in cultural practices  which are both highly adapted to their landscape  and very responsive to changes within it. These knowledge systems are founded in respect, reciprocity and working with Natures’ laws, which ensures that humans live in mutually enhancing ways with their ecosystem.


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