Walpole Councillor, Rex Isaac Won’t be Silenced

My research interests have taken me to Southwestern Ontario’s Bkejwanong – Walpole Island #46 education practises.   I came across Councillor Rex Isaac presenting to Senate in Ottawa and posted a link to such. In that webcast he discusses a need for monies toward FN resources for education.

Today I came across this article where Councillor Rex Isaac feels that his job may be in jeopardy as he questions financial practises and decisions made by the band and Chief Joseph Gilbert.  It has been made known that the band had lost more than $670,000 through bad investments – money never recovered.

It will be with much interest that I continue to follow this story regarding Councillor Rex Isaac and the response of the Band Council toward him.  In Isaac’s own words, “There are just certain things I don’t agree with, and I’m not ashamed or embarrassed, or even hesitant to voice my opposition.”


October 17, 2011   No Comments

Bkejwanong FN Public Library

Portal for the Bkekwanong FN Public Libraryresources, borrowing, catalogue, e-resources.  Bkejwanong FN Public Library began in 1967.   With respect to technology, there are 11 public computers that are available at no charge. Computers have Internet access, word processing, and are all networked to a printer.   Free wireless internet is also provided for individuals who wish to bring in their own laptop computer.


October 17, 2011   No Comments

Walpole Island FN School A National First for Numeracy Program

This is an article from Chatham Daily News showcasing the 5 year project partnership focusing on numeracy between Hon. Paul Martin, Aboriginal Educational Initiative, a charitable organization and Walpole Island First Nation School.  Paul Martin announced that Walpole Island will become a flagship school for numeracy among First Nation schools across Canada. It is hoped that the numeracy program will eventually spread across Canada.  The project will be based on the curriculum and teaching strategies that came from Ontario’s at-risk elementary schools.  Programs will include providing professional development to assist teachers, fund lead teachers who have training about the best practices and most effective techniques, developing a school improvement team that meets regularly to review school data and plan next steps, hire external experts to visit the school for a few days a month to assist the principal and teachers and plan for parent involvement and community engagement.


October 17, 2011   No Comments