Walpole Councillor, Rex Isaac Won’t be Silenced

My research interests have taken me to Southwestern Ontario’s Bkejwanong – Walpole Island #46 education practises.   I came across Councillor Rex Isaac presenting to Senate in Ottawa and posted a link to such. In that webcast he discusses a need for monies toward FN resources for education.

Today I came across this article where Councillor Rex Isaac feels that his job may be in jeopardy as he questions financial practises and decisions made by the band and Chief Joseph Gilbert.  It has been made known that the band had lost more than $670,000 through bad investments – money never recovered.

It will be with much interest that I continue to follow this story regarding Councillor Rex Isaac and the response of the Band Council toward him.  In Isaac’s own words, “There are just certain things I don’t agree with, and I’m not ashamed or embarrassed, or even hesitant to voice my opposition.”



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