Indigenous Education Institute

The Indigenous Education Institute is as a non-profit institution with a mission to preserve, protect and apply traditional Indigenous knowledge in a contemporary setting, that of Indigenous peoples today, around the world. Some of the the fundamental goals of the institute are:

-Initiating and maintaining collaborative research involving traditional knowledge holders,

-Organizing, articulating, and developing strategic and realistic application of the research to Indigenous education in order to provide cultural enrichment and empowerment to succeeding generations,

-Preserving and maintaining the diversity of Indigenous languages and cultures,

-Enhancing recognition of Indigenous science, in juxtaposition with western science, through processes that respect the honor and integrity of both ways of knowing,

-Researching and developing relevant systems of Indigenous strategic planning and evaluation, to enhance organizational effectiveness,

-Supporting Indigenous communities in the research of their own knowledge and needs, enabling responsible capacity building to effect transformational and sustainable change,

and promoting global networking among Indigenous communities to enhance the awareness and inter-relationships of Indigenous ways of knowing.


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