Bridging the gap of culture and education between non-indigenous and Indigenous groups with technology

Indigenous people hope for a better life may be seen in other aspirations other than through education itself. While education is a necessity it does not seem to offer much hope as their forefathers in spite of their learning experiences, though limited it may have been, never experienced success without numerous hardships and struggle, to level of perceived success. Limitations and challenging factors such as finance, access to basic needs and limited exposure to other non-indigenous cultures have no doubt kept indigenous groups from aspiring for educational achievement in more modern forms, which may be secondary to escaping hardship through hardwork and dedication to cultural practices and oral traditions passed down through many generations.

Technology for the indigenous group is seen as being “out there”  and not crucial for survival as viewed by non-indigenous groups. Technology is not culturally relevant and therefore is not absorbed into the culture as readily as with with non-indigenous groups. The reliance on technology is viewed more on its ability to record and transmit culture and not on its ability to improve the way of life of the people or enhance their learning experiences. The hope of this assignment then will be to bridge the gap of culture and education between the two groups showing how technology can be used to both enhance cultural and learning experiences.


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