Module 4: The State of Aboriginal Learning in Canada
While I was studying the Indigenous peoples’ learning approaches for my research paper, I found the following important document. This is a report that introduces the Holistic Lifelong Learning Measurement Framework used to measure the state of Aboriginal learning in Canada. The three main elements of this framework are: sources and domains of knowledge; the lifelong learning journey; and community well-being.
According to the report, sources and domains of knowledge serve as important contributions to Aboriginal learning as a holistic, lifelong process. This element of the framework includes the various learning indicators related to language, culture, the natural world and the world of people (family, Elders, community). Second part of the report (the journey of lifelong learning) measures learning across the lifespan and in different environments such as school, home, community, work and the land. This element of the framework includes the various indicators related to learning for infants and children, youth, young adults, adults and elders. In Final part of this document, community well-being indicators are presented that highlight how economic, health and social challenges can impact Aboriginal people’s learning opportunities.
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