Connectivity and ICT Integration in First Nations Schools: Results from the Information and Communications Technologies in Schools Survey, 2003/04

This website presents the findings of the 2003/04 Information and Communications Technologies in Schools Survey (ICTSS) that was designed to build a comprehensive database on the state of ICT infrastructure and access in elementary and secondary schools across Canada, including First Nations schools.  Data for the study was collected information from principals of First Nation schools and sought to mainly assess connectivity and ICT integration in the schools.

The report outlines:

  • Profiles the First Nations schools that participated to the survey,
  • A profile of the current ICT infrastructure in participating schools,
  • A snapshot of connectivity within schools, students’ and teachers’ access to the available ICT infrastructure,
  • The views of the principals regarding the ability of teachers to use ICT effectively for learning purposes, and
  • Challenges to using ICTs in schools


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