Culturally Relevant Pedagogy: First Nations Education in Canada

Today, the cultural heritages of First Nation are lost which leads to a “digital divide” between Indigenous peoples and mainstream Canadian.  Geographic and social isolation, high costs, and lack of infrastructure are factors that contribute to the digital divide. Recovering the cultural heritage is of utmost importance to First Nation Peoples since it is necessary for them to function effectively and participate in a culturally diverse society. Against this background, the author wants schools to develop an understanding of the historical relationships between First Nations cultures and mainstream educational systems; the nature of culture as dynamic and evolving and the identification of those strategies that are most effective in building upon the cultural identities of First Nations children.

This paper will help me to examine information disparities and assess policies which affect First Nations’ ability to bridge the digital divide.


September 25, 2011   No Comments

Statement Connecting Weblog to Research Interest

Topic:  Bridging the gap of culture and education between non-indigenous and Indigenous  groups with technology

Indigenous peoples today have continued poor health and social issues unequal to that of non-indigenous population on the whole.  As a result, educational goals for mainstream and Indigenous peoples are different. Away from the basics of education, the needs and values of Indigenous peoples are different since their existence largely depends on their culture and traditions.  Many studies have shown that Indigenous students have negative experiences in mainstream schools and as a result they are hesitant to engage in traditional curricula.  These experiences have created barriers that affect their educational achievement and consequently lead to unfavourable educational results.

There is potential for technology to address many of these issues.  My weblog will be geared towards documenting information that explores some of the educational challenges facing Indigenous peoples and ways that technology can be used to help First Nation students at all levels to participate in teaching and learning environments that enables them to achieve appropriate and positive educational outcomes.

September 25, 2011   No Comments