Gene Moo Lee / 이진무 / 李鎭武
Associate Professor of Information Systems & Analytics
UBC Sauder School of Business
- Ph.D., Computer Science, UT Austin
- M.A., Computer Science, UT Austin
- B.Sc., Computer Science and Math, Korea University
- [UBC Profile] [LinkedIn] [Biography] [Research Statement]
My research in AI and business analytics has been published in MIS Quarterly (MISQ), Information Systems Research (ISR), Journal of MIS, and Journal of Business Ethics. I am the Director of Data Analytics & AI Research Group. I am serving multiple editorial roles in journals, including ISR (AE), Decision Support Systems (SE), Production and Operations Management (Guest SE), MISQ (Guest AE), and JMIS (Guest AE). I have been an AIS Distinguished Member since 2021 and received the Reviewer of the Year Awards of 2021 from both MISQ and ISR. I held various industry positions at Samsung Electronics, Canada Energy Regulator, Topic Technologies, Narus, AT&T, Intel, and Goldman Sachs. I hold 10+ patents in mobile technologies, and my Erdos number is 3.
Note for prospective students and postdoc researchers.
- Email:
- Office Phone: 604-827-4459
- Office Address: HA 372, 2053 Main Mall, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z2, Canada
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