
Gene Moo Lee / 이진무 / 李鎭武
Associate Professor of Information Systems & Analytics
UBC Sauder School of Business

My research in AI and business analytics has been published in MIS Quarterly (MISQ), Information Systems Research (ISR), Journal of MIS, and Journal of Business Ethics. I am the Director of Data Analytics & AI Research Group. I am serving multiple editorial roles in journals, including ISR (AE), Decision Support Systems (SE), Production and Operations Management (Guest SE), MISQ (Guest AE), and JMIS (Guest AE). I have been an AIS Distinguished Member since 2021 and received the Reviewer of the Year Awards of 2021 from both MISQ and ISR.  I held various industry positions at Samsung Electronics, Canada Energy Regulator, Topic Technologies, Narus, AT&T, Intel, and Goldman Sachs. I hold 10+ patents in mobile technologies, and my Erdos number is 3.

Note for prospective students and postdoc researchers.

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