My teaching interests include providing extensive hands-on projects on emerging big data and analytics technologies so students can make data-driven decisions when challenging business and societal problems. I acknowledge that DataCamp supports my AI/analytics courses. DataCamp is an online learning platform for Data Science, Python, R, SQL, and more. Thanks!
- Teaching credit surplus: 5.75 (as of Jan 2025)
- Teaching evaluation at UBC: 4.70/5 overall and 72% courses with 4.7+ rating
- In 2023, my teaching evaluations were in the top quintile within Sauder.
- In 2022, my teaching evaluations were in the top quintile within Sauder.
- In 2022, taught an MIS research seminar on AI/analytics methods (Comm 635).
- In 2019, a new course, Fundamentals of Analytics and Tech (BA 515), was introduced.
- In 2019, the MBA Career Track on Technology & Analytics Leadership was approved.
- In 2019, the Business Analytics Concentration was added to the Sauder BCOM program.
- In 2018, received Teaching Excellence Award from the Commerce Undergraduate Society.
- I am very proud to share some of the great projects my Data Science students accomplished! [Click HERE]
Courses at the University of British Columbia [Full information]
- BA 515 Fundamentals of Analytics/Tech: FT-MBA, PMBA, MM Classic, MM Dual Degree
- BAIT 508 Business Analytics Programming: MBAN
- COMM 635 Advanced Topics in Management Information Systems: PhD, MSc
- COMM 337 Business Programming / Analytics: Analytics Concentration, BTM, BUCS
- Programming Introduction in Opening Week for MBAN