Tag Archives: #CARC2022

Co-creating through Social Media Crowdsourcing / La cocréation et les réseaux sociaux font bon ménage

Developing an infographic with and for patient partners about conference abstracts

by Dr. Dawn Richards


Le français suit / French follows

The research and scientific worlds are full of processes and protocols that most people in these worlds take for granted. One of these items is the conference abstract. If you’re not in the research world, how would you describe a conference abstract to someone outside of research?

In planning for the Canadian Arthritis Research Conference 2022 (CARC), the Steering Committee created a new category of abstracts, those prepared and submitted by patients. The idea is to encourage more patients to submit abstracts for consideration to the conference, but how can you do that if you don’t even know what an abstract is? What happened was an organic process:

  • I put out an initial call on Twitter from @TO_dpr, and asked patient partners to let me know if a resource or tool helping people know more about what abstracts are would be helpful. The overwhelming response was ‘yes.’
  • Next, I drafted some text that described what an abstract is, what it’s used for and what the parts of an abstract are. My goal was to help demystify abstracts.
  • Back on Twitter again, I followed up my original tweet and asked people to comment on the text for me via Google Forms, so that we could ultimately create something that was useful to patient partners. Through Google Forms I collected responses from 17 individuals, and incorporated their feedback into the text about abstracts.
  • From there, my communications colleague helped to put the text into an infographic that made everything feel simple and uncluttered.
  • I circled back to everyone who provided me with input – to let them know how they contributed, and where they can find the infographic, and if they wanted to be thanked, they are acknowledged on the infographic itself.

View the full Infographic in English here: Infographic_Abstract Preparation for Conferences and in French: Infographic _ Abstract Preparation for Conferences _FR

Within a matter of weeks, we went from having an idea about a resource on conference abstracts to having an infographic about conference abstracts created with input from patients. Engaging patients to co-create resources doesn’t always need to be a large, formal project. Our little project shows the power of taking a fairly simple idea, crowdsourcing input from patients through social media, and then putting that input in to action to create an infographic that anyone can use. We hope knowing this helps you with any of your co-creation projects – from big to small.

Création d’une infographie en collaboration avec les patients partenaires sur la préparation d’un résumé en vue d’un congrès

Dre Dawn Richards


Les mondes de la recherche et de la science regorgent de processus et de protocoles que la plupart des experts tiennent pour acquis. Parmi ces éléments, on retrouve les résumés rédigés en vue d’un congrès. Si vous ne faisiez pas partie du monde de la recherche, comment décririez-vous ces résumés à une personne néophyte?

Durant la planification de l’édition 2022 de la Conférence canadienne de recherche sur l’arthrite (CCRA), le comité directeur a créé une nouvelle catégorie de résumés, soit ceux préparés et soumis par des patients. Le but était d’encourager davantage de patients à soumettre des résumés pour le congrès. Mais comment s’y prendre quand on ne sait pas ce qu’est un résumé exactement? Une fois la question posée, la réponse n’a pas tardé à venir de façon tout à fait naturelle :

  • J’ai d’abord lancé un appel à tous sur Twitter à partir du compte @TO_dpr pour demander aux patients partenaires si une ressource ou un outil expliquant ce qu’était un résumé leur serait utile. Ils ont presque unanimement répondu « oui ».
  • J’ai ensuite rédigé un texte décrivant le résumé, notamment son utilisation et les différents éléments qui le composent. Mon objectif était de démystifier les résumés.
  • De retour sur Twitter, j’ai donné suite à mon gazouillis initial en demandant aux gens de m’envoyer leurs commentaires sur mon texte dans un formulaire Google, pour que nous puissions proposer une ressource utile aux patients partenaires. Sur Google Formulaires, j’ai recueilli les commentaires de 17 personnes et les ai incorporés à mon texte.
  • Une personne avec laquelle je travaille qui s’y connaît en communication m’a ensuite aidée à convertir mon texte en une infographie présentant l’information de façon simple et épurée.
  • J’ai écrit à toutes les personnes qui m’avaient envoyé leurs commentaires pour leur dire comment elles avaient contribué et où elles pouvaient trouver l’infographie, et pour leur demander si elles souhaitaient que leur nom figure directement sur l’infographie en guise de remerciement.

Vous pouvez consulter l’infographie ici : Infographic – Abstract Preparation for Conferences (anglais) ou Infographie – Préparation d’un résumé pour un congrès _FR (français)

En quelques semaines, nous sommes donc passés d’une simple idée à une ressource bien concrète, créée en collaboration avec des patients. De toute évidence, la mobilisation des patients ne se limite pas aux gros projets officiels. Notre modeste projet montre l’efficacité d’une idée plutôt simple – recueillir les commentaires de patients au moyen des réseaux sociaux – pour créer une infographie accessible à tous. Nous espérons que cette histoire de réussite vous guidera dans vos propres projets de cocréation, quelle que soit leur taille.

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Filed under Patient Engagement

Canadian Arthritis Research Conference: Jan 31 & Feb 7-8 2022.

“CARC” is not a household name. It’s not going to top Coke, Pfizer or Netflix for brand recognition. But if you are part of the broad (inclusive) arthritis research community CARC might be valuable for you. It’s the Canadian Arthritis Research Conference and 2022 marks the 3rd annual event.

February 7 and 8, 2022 [Keynotes & symposia]: Join us for 2 keynotes, 12 invited symposia, and 12 ‘Best of the Best’ research presentations by emerging scientists (clinicians can be scientists as you know). Those 12 research presentations will come from the call of abstracts competition, see below.

Monday, January 31, 2022 [aka “Training/Lifelong Learner Day”]: All conference research oral presentations and research posters will be presented on the “Research Presentation Day” Monday, January 31, 2022. The conference organisers are separating the research presentations from the February keynotes and symposia so that speakers are not competing against each other. January 31 will have laser-like focus on research abstracts (including systematic reviews, all types of original research, and evidence synthesis). There will be expert tips for younger scientists (which includes clinicians) and opportunities for break out groups. A true “training day”– and everyone is a life-long learner, correct?

Why attend CARC? Three reasons: 1) Networking opportunities! The conference provides all levels of trainees (clinical fellows and MSc/PhD/Postdoc) to present and engage with researchers, clinicians and other experts. 2) We will award a series of prizes for research abstracts relating to posters and presentations made for CARC. 3) We plan to provide keynotes and symposia presenters with honoraria to reflect their preparation and contribution to the conference.

Who should consider attending? The world of arthritis researchers, clinicians and trainees. This conference (and its predecessor, the CAN Network Meetings of the early 2000s) have traditionally been well attended by rehabilitation researchers, other clinicians, basic scientists and health systems researchers. Abstracts are welcome from the broad church of arthritis. Email us if you are not sure you fit (but you will!). imha-iala@cihr-irsc.gc.ca

Call to action! Please! Three of them! 

  1. Hold the 2022 dates: CARC Keynotes & symposia: February 7 & 8, 2022.
  2. Keep January 31, 2022 free to present your research abstract!
  3. Keep an eye on the CIHR-IMHA twitter account @CIHR_IMHA or this blog for how and when to submit abstracts, register for the conference and schedule details.

Final (somewhat innovative) point: Democracy strikes! 

We are inviting CARC keynote (individuals) and symposia (3-speaker panel) presentation suggestions from anyone. Literally anyone. The CARC Scientific Committee will evaluate the symposia submissions based on criteria such as importance of the research question, rigour of the methods, and research impact. This isn’t rare but many conference keynotes and symposia are appointed by the Scientific Committee. We are embracing a more communal approach via a crowdsourcing survey.

We (the Scientific Committee) are still working on the details of the criteria and we welcome your input! More to come on how to submit your suggestions!  For now, please note the dates, alert your colleagues, and look forward to 2022 with excitement.

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