Author Archives: mmg

El país de la canela: Periplos de la colonialidad

Este es el ensayo de grado que presenté para completar los requisitos de la Maestría en Estudios Hispánicos en la Universidad de British Columbia. Hace dos años ya… MMG GRAD ESSAY Print  

Posted in Literatura colombiana, Literatura hispanoamericana | Leave a comment

“Getting to Know You”

Describe an activity that you could do using technology to support the familiar “Getting to Know You” tasks at the beginning of term. Identify the technology tool(s), how you would introduce the activity and the guidelines you would give to … Continue reading

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“If your school were bulldozed to the ground…”

“If your school were bulldozed to the ground, what learning space would you design to replace it?” Well, I graduated from one of the top universities in Canada. This university has strong research programs and it is pretty rare (but … Continue reading

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