When I heard that we were going to do track and field outside I was a bit worried because it has been very cold lately. However, once we went outside I had so much fun laughing during the warm-up activity. I also liked the rabbit and rooster game. The game trained us to pay attention because many people kept forgetting whether they were a rabbit or a rooster. They also taught us skills on how to run and the proper posture for running. I think my favorite activity would be the marching/sprinting relay. I noticed that a lot of teams were tired of marching and just resorted to walking afterwards. It would’ve been great if they added more explicit instructions. For example, blowing the whistle as a signal for people to alternate from marching and skipping every 2 minutes. I haven’t run in a while and it was fun to just do a short sprint. I also realized that we have lot of great runners in our class.
All posts by vivian
Movement Journal Week 6
Today’s Outdoor Education class was so fun! I think we all had a great time going outside and just exploring the campus. I’ve been at UBC for 4 years now but I think this is only the second time I’ve done any physical activity outside on the campus (the first time was when we had the Dance Play outside of Scarfe). The weather was nice and it was just great to experience P.E outside of a gym setting.
I think the group did well. I especially enjoyed how they set up separate stations so we could do different activities. The blindfold game was a good experience because it encouraged us to take a step of faith and trust in the person that is guiding us. Overall, the class was structured well and I like how we got to do our cool down at the flagpole.
Week 5 Invasion Games – Reflection
On Friday, Zoe, Jenny and I taught Invasion games to our CITE class. Although I was nervous at first, the group teach went smoothly and I think it was because we were prepared. Something important that I learned from this group teach is to always be very prepared for any class so that I can be flexible and change parts of the lesson if there are emergency situations.
I started off with a dance warm-up. I had a lot of fun and it was great seeing the other classmates smiling and having fun as they danced. Zoe did a great job teaching Pass the Ball and I think it was good that we modelled the game so that our classmates understood clearly what they were supposed to do.
Leading the group discussion was a good experience because I had the opportunity to teach about the different PE curriculum models and I was reminded to use professional language. For example, trying to stay away from “you guys”. The group discussion was also fun and informative because I learned about the different models that classmates experienced when they were in elementary school and high school. Also, it really allowed them to think seriously about which model(s) they would like to implement when they teach P.E in their practicums.
Jenny got her group to model the Space Invaders game. I thought it was a good idea to model because sometimes it’s hard for students to listen to a long list of instructions and remember everything.
I think in general things went smoothly. Things we could improve on are learning different ways to control the volume in the gym. In the beginning we would be talking but not everyone could hear because some classmates were talking at the same time. Another thing we could improve on is clarity and repetition. For Pass the Ball, the classmates started the game when we blew the whistle. I totally understand that it was confusing. Next time in PE, we should go over the meanings of the whistle twice or even three times (for younger children) so that they understand what to do.
Week 5 Readings – P.E Curriculum Models and TGfU
A common purpose or mission for PE curricula currently across Canada is the concept of lifelong physical activity: students learning the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to be physically active for life
Curriculum Models:
1. The Multi-Activity Model
Purpose: to enable our students to become physically active movers throughout their lifetime
– Learning of motor skills while maintaining interest through the exposure to a wide variety of sport and movement
Limitations: This model is mainly sports dominated
2. Teaching Games for Understanding
Purpose: to teach the skills in a context where the students are encouraged to focus on the skill’s idea and how that skill is useful
– The idea is to break down the game, starting with a simplistic version, and bringing attention to the important skills of the game and why those skills are useful.
3. Hellison’s Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility (TPSR)
– Teaching life skills and social values within a physically active environment unites a holistic approach to student’s development and personal growth
– To teach students how to be both personally and socially responsible
4. The Sport Education Model
– To develop “competent, literate, and enthusiastic sportspersons”
– Students will become knowledgeable players who understand and value sports
Limitations: Educators might misapply the principles resulting in the implementation of yet another form of elitist sports where the athletes play and the non-athletes are left out
5. The Fitness for Life Model
Purpose: Improving students’ fitness levels and developing healthy behaviours
– Health for everyone with an emphasis on lifetime activity designed to meet personal needs
Limitations: Educators must have full knowledge of all labs, exercise regimes, healthy eating tips and goal setting tools
6. Competencies–An Emerging Model for PE?
– Action competence in health involves young people developing their abilities, their commitment, and their capacity to influence and control their own health
7. Mixing and Matching of Curriculum Models
– Taking the best parts of different models and incorporating them together
Contexts for Curriculum Implementation:
1. Health Promoting Schools Approach
– Whole-school approach that both encompasses PE and provides a context for healthy behaviours in the school’s greater community
2. Long Term Athlete Development Model (LTAD)
– Encompasses aspects of physical education such as fundamental movement skills, training, competing, and being active for life.
3. Physical Literacy
“Individuals who are physically literate move with competence and confidence in a wide variety of physical activities in multiple environments that benefit the healthy development of the whole person” (PHE Canada)
Movement Journal Week 4
I think this week the group did well because for the most part of the lesson we were all being physically active. A lot of people felt their heart beats go up after the lesson. I also enjoyed the part where they told us to dance like a bird and dance like your favourite animal. I think a lot of kids would enjoy those activities. I think it was good that Steve always asks us how we can improve activities and how we can make the activity more safe. I think I learned a lot from observing different groups teach and I’m excited but nervous for my group teach this Friday.
Movement Journal Week 2
I enjoy our P.E class and I look forward to class every week. However, as others pointed out, it wasn’t always like this. I was a very shy kid back in elementary and I wasn’t athletic. P.E was a class I dreaded attending in elementary school because my P.E teacher didn’t like me and I wasn’t good at sports. I really liked today’s class and last week’s class because of the safe environment where everyone can participate regardless of level and skill.
Today when we started with dodgeball I was surprised at first because I knew that it was a part of the P.E Hall of Shame. Later on, they explained to us that it was an example of why these games should not be played and I thought it was clever that they made a modification to dodgeball.
Even though it’s only been 2 classes, I realized that there have been a lot of positive changes in P.E classes and the P.E curriculum. First of all, there is less of a focus on students who excel and more of a focus on inclusiveness. Physical Education should be fun for all students and it shouldn’t just be a time for the athletic students to show off their skills. I really appreciate the new mindset on teaching P.E which looks more at the student’s effort than their talent. I think key concepts in teaching P.E include patience, encouragement and inclusiveness. I’m really glad our class was able to have fun and encourage each other.