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Week 9 reflection – 3 Guiding Questions – Cheryl B

How do I plan, participate in, and advocate for School Based Physical Activity?
-Ensure that PE classes for my students are well-planned so each student is moving for much of the class.
-Take body breaks.
-Take my class outside often for intercurricular learning.
-Help to plan and run intramural activities.
-Share ideas for active learning with other teachers.

How do I support lifelong learning in health and physical education?
-Expose students to opportunities to participate in a variety of well planned activities, including bringing in other skilled people to teach and lead activities.
-Ask questions about students’ goals for their lives, find out what they already enjoy and what they enjoy about it, get students to suggest and lead activities and connect with people in the community to encourage healthy activity and living.

What is DPA and how is it different from PE?
DPA is daily physical activity. DPA extends past the PE class to involve activity both in and out of school, and beyond the gym and field at school. For some students, this includes extracurricular and interscholastic activities. It could also include playground time and activity breaks in the non-PE classroom time. In some provinces, adequate DPA time is mandated during the school day.

Team Teach Reflection-Dance and Technology

This week our group taught on the topic of dance and technology. I have taken quite a few dance lessons while growing up, where I had to follow a choreographed set of moves; however, being on the other end of the receiver is really a different experience. Originally, I was familiar with the Cha Cha slide however I had never danced the moves myself, so I first taught the sequence to myself. After a couple times of practicing I was successfully able to master all of the moves easily and of course listening to the lyrics helped a lot. However, when I tried to break down the sequence into individual steps, and teach it without the music to the class, it became quite a complex task, as it was easy to miss simple steps throughout the sequence or confuse the order of the moves at times. Therefore I had known the sequence as a whole, but following a top down approach in my head wasn’t always easy. I now have a different appreciation of my dance teachers who always showed patience when they taught and made it seem so effortless. Overall, I am proud of my team and for all of our efforts. This week’s topic also included technology, and my first reaction to the thought of incorporating technology into physical education was negative. When I thought about technology I thought about convenience and laziness. Physical education is supposed to make you move, break a sweat, go outdoors, and be social. After reading the chapter, I have realized there are a lot of great apps and devices that educators could incorporate into PE, but I still don’t entirely agree with them all and by no means can any of them replace any aspect of PE. Although I am open to including technology as a supplemental tool to reinforce ideas, for example Edmodo can be used in addition to PE activities to carry on conversations and discussions about physical education, but technology such as online games that promote physical activity should never replace PE. Even management apps such as team shake or scorekeepers are all great, however I think those are experiences that children need to engage in themselves to learn these skills. Finally, physical literacy encompasses social, emotional, and physical development, and all of these can’t be achieved through the mere use of technology.


On Tuesday, the Group Teach did their lesson on technology and dance with the class. I think they did really well with their lesson; especially, great job of scaffolding our skills. They really got us moving around! I was sweating after the lesson was done. I also think that you guys all did give the clear instructions and it was easy to follow through. I liked how you guys give us some time to practice the movements as a whole class before we get together with our small group. I do enjoyed and have fun during the activity. Even though I’m not good at dancing or a dancer, I know I can just do my best. I think the main point is to go there and have FUN with the class! I know nowadays in most of the elementary schools, the students only got 30 minutes for their P.E. class. Personally, I think 30 minutes of P.E. is very short and is not enough for the students in a day. I think as a teacher, we should come up with some physical activities for students to do in the classroom as much as we can. The teachers can also integrate their iPads with their physical education and health courses and bring it to the class. For instance, they can set up the YouTube dance tutorials or go noodle routines activities in the class. The teacher can ask his or her students do those activities just at their classroom, and then they don’t have to worry about finding the place in the school. Overall, well done group!


Post Lesson Reflection- Dance

I have to say I had the best time delivering our dance lesson. The energy and fun the students brought to the class made it a wonderful and memorable experience. When I first saw the Youtube example of the whip nae-nae dance, I knew it would be a familiar song to the class and they’d have fun with it. The moves from the youtube example were an appropriate level for grade 2/3’s and for our 320 class to learn in one lesson. This was a worry when designing the lesson, that a dance routine would be difficult to teach and for students to memorize in twenty minutes.

Our group strategically chose the popcorn dance as our warm-up, we wanted students to get outside of their comfort zone and use ribbons and free movement to express themselves. The aspect of the lesson that I was most uncomfortable with was the chapter summary. I have often found this aspect of our lessons to be dry and its difficult to include many chapters worth of information in the short time we have. From attending a Kids Can Move workshop, I learned a game where the movements could be adapted to match the movements of the dance. The game with the four animals movements acted as scaffolding for the moves in the dance, in this way we wanted to make the dance accessible for all skill levels. Part of our chapter summary was on the use of technology in the PE classroom, considering this we utilized a wireless headset so that I could lead the dance with the music playing. Although it didn’t fit my head right and was a bit inconvenient, the benefits of clear instruction did more for our lesson. I’ll consider using this type of technology next time I teach a noisy PE lesson. Overall this experience was fantastic. I love the supportive nature of our cohort!

Tobi’s Movement Journal – November 18th


It was nice to be back and see everyone in action!

It was good to experience and observe how our physiological responses are affected when we exercise. In this case, we looked at heart-rate. I liked how the group choose different levels of activity to alter our heart-rate. What I would have liked to see was maybe making the aerobic exercise more intense so that we could see our heart-rate jump a bit higher than it did. After comparing with other students, although our heart-rate changed from activity to activity, the heart-rates were not altered very much. I also would have liked to experience a more meditating and relaxing yoga session as I found one of the poses quite stimulating to my muscles, which actually made my heart-rate feel as if it were going up.

I think using heart-rate in exercise is very valuable and I have been in cycling classes before where they use heart-rate training in their classes. They use technology (ipads/tv screens) and HR monitors so that you can see your HR change as your effort level intensifies or decreases.  I think it would be cool to bring in heart rate monitors for students so that they can visually see their HR change during an activity instead of just an end result.


Week 8: Group B: Dance

I think dance is an incredibly powerful tool for expression, self-exploration, cultivating creativity, building community and just general increasing of joy and well being. I have always found dance to be an incredibly joyful and pleasurable experience. I think most children at a very young age discover dance and the joys of free movement. Social standards, among other things, can stifle a young person’s desire or freedom to explore dance. I think society views dance as far lower on the hierarchy of important or worthwhile activities compared with sport or academics (as most arts are viewed). From an education standpoint I see an enormous amount of potential for enriching a student’s understanding of the world and themselves through dance. The potential for cross-curricular study is also quite vast. Because dance is so closely linked with culture you could study dance in terms of it’s cultural and historical context. Participating in learning a culture’s dance brings about a visceral and deep understanding and appreciated for that culture. During the last Pro-D day I participated in a seminar where we learned Circle Dance. I was given a deeper understanding of how dance can teach connectedness and our ability to express through movement. In circle dance you are confronted with the faces of your fellow dancers and you often hold their hands. Moving in unison in this connected way is quite powerful. We were asked to create a circle dance together at the end. This was also very impactful. I felt we built something together and with a very distinct purpose. We chose one quality that we would try and embody and express through our dance. This is something I would love to try with students. Dance is a beautiful way to get kids moving and enjoying an active lifestyle.

Weekly Summary – Heart Rate

Wow! Apparently I have a really high heart rate, all the time? I had no idea! I don’t want to google what this means and self-diagnose right now until the school year is over for the winter break. I WILL say however that I really enjoyed today’s group teach, that incorporated the use of checking in with our heart rate, and can see how this would be an excellent use of combining a science lesson about body systems with a PE lesson, and you could even transfer this to a Math class where we do the calculations for our heart rate, and a Language Arts lesson where we work our research skills for the body systems, or on storytelling about an individual involved in high intensity sports.


I really liked as well how there were three stages to the lesson, and we checked our heart rate after each one. This could be tied to overarching concepts such as change, personal growth, cause and effect, or interconnectedness. A really wonderful lesson you guys, and I appreciated that you used previous dance moves from the other class that we were able to remember and add on to. I think this is one of the only times we were able to tie two classes group teaches together to build on previous skills and I really appreciate you did that.


I really enjoyed the gymnastics lesson from right before practicum! Gymnastics is one of those topics that I get a scrunched up face about, not feeling confidant I will be able to participate let alone teach it. This group did a great job of creating a safe environment where I felt comfortable. I liked that the group encorporated a range of activities in that allowed students of a number of skill levels to be working together.

This is lesson was very fun too! I think kids would really enjoy it and be excited to try out something new! I also appreciated that in our small group discussions, our group talked about what equipment we could use if we didn’t have that specific gymnastics equipment. This is very important as many of our schools just won’t have the extra equipment like that!

dance like no ones watching!!!

This week was technology and dance. Both of those serve to make life more enjoyable, give some laughs and work to benefit all of mankind. However for the dance part it was both fun and funny, I have no soul nor any real moves. I wasn’t horrible but I wasn’t good either which says to me i either could spend some time working on my moves or perhaps loosen up, either way something needs to be done before I bust out anymore moves.

How could i as a teacher fit this into say my present situation as a teacher candidate for grade twos? Simply put on some music and let them go, let them examine their physicality as they not only express themselves but as they seek out emotion from within. i think this could be worked into a hip hop class with some other forms of movement and dance. Or perhaps one of the kids could introduce a dance from their culture or even have one of their family could come in and showcase and help lead a lesson in where their culture is celebrated. There could be so many ideas like a hoop dancer or some west coast dancers that could celebrate some local culture.

As for technology I think its nothing but a greatness that has yet to be explored to its boundaries, meaning that I think ideas such as fit-bit are just the beginning. The only problem with technology will always be cost especially when companies like apple are coming out with products every three months to replace the product you just purchased. Maybe that’s why you need to really reach out to the PAC committee and convince them that technology is where its at if they wish to have physically literate students.

Or perhaps just throw on a cd for them and let them dance instead!!!

Movement Journal: Week 7

We’ve been using the Go Noodle videos at my practicum school, and they really are great! The kids love them, and it is such a breezy way for the teacher to conduct and participate in a movement break. Well, if the technology works. I get nervous using technology in the classroom at times, because when it fails… Then what? Contingency plan at the ready? I feel like technology in the classroom is wonderful when it aids and enhances student learning, but it can just as easily hinder the process when not dealt with carefully. I know that I personally have a journey ahead with the elusive SMART Board. It was great to learn about all the different tech apps and gadgets exist out there for educational use, like Edmodo.

As for the dance component of today’s lesson, I imagine that teaching a choreographed dance number is not an easy task! I wonder how I will remember all those dance moves when I have to be up there leading a class of little ones. It was good to have each dance move broken down and modeled, so that I knew what I needed to do as the music played. I enjoyed having some time to invent dance moves with buddies, I bet the kids would love it! I wonder how dance would be assessed in PHE class, since not everyone is blessed with the grace of ballerinas and hip hop stars. Effort, participation, working knowledge of moves, and skill?