Emma Metcalfe Hurst

Coming Out of Chaos: A Vancouver Dance Story

Posted by in Archives, Curatorial, Event, Media, Performing arts, Podcast

Fall 2021 – Coming Out of Chaos: A Vancouver Dance Story  Coming Out of Chaos: A Vancouver Dance Story is an archival research and oral history project produced by Karen Jamieson Dance that recounts that looks back at the early collaborative work Coming Out of Chaos (1982) to tell a story of the emergence of contemporary dance in Vancouver. I had the opportunity to interview 17 established and mid-career contemporary dancers, choreographers, administrators, dance historians and critics, as well as six of the original Coming Out of Chaos collaborators. The…read more


Karen Jamieson Dance

Posted by in Archives, Performing arts, Podcast

Summer 2020-Present – Dance Archivist for Karen Jamieson Dance (Co-op Work Experience) Assisted with metadata creation for 28 digital assets to be ingested into Arca.  Spearheaded the implementation of Traditional Knowledge (TK) Labels for 7 items in collaboration with Indigenous creators (ongoing). Implemented archival storage for photographic materials from the KJD archives. Organized materials into 5 binders with descriptive information for access and preservation (ongoing). Assisted with archival research, requests, and digitization for the production of the film “Body to Land: Stone Soup” (forthcoming in 2021). Created an inventory for…read more


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