Category: The Glam Fam

Zachary Goldman, Meera Patel, Sydney Dunn, and Matthew De Rose

Peer Review of Sydney Dunn’s LinkedIn Profile

LinkedIn Profile Review Name of Reviewer: Matthew De Rose Name of Reviewee: Sydney Dunn Date: June 10th, 2020 Profile URL: Your LinkedIn Profile was very professional and enjoyable to read. Below are some recommendations to help you engage with

Peer Review of Zachary’s LinkedIn Profile

LinkedIn Profile Peer Review Name of the Reviewer:                                             Meera Patel, English 301 Student Author’s Name:                                               

Formal Report Outline

Feasibility Analysis of Introducing Unit Testing into the DAB Software Development Team’s Testing Protocol I. Abstract II. Introduction A. Explanation of how testing is integrated into software development process B. Describe the different types of software testing practices C. Outline

Formal Report Outline

Formal Report Outline An Impact Assessment: Increasing consumer engagement with add-on selling at London Drugs. I. Abstract II. Introduction A. London Drugs Background and Brand B. Background on current add-on products 1. Non-profit Partnerships 2. Deal-of-the-week 3. Miscallaneous personal and

Formal Report Outline

Increasing Social Media Engagement for Great Dane Coffee I. Introduction A. Description of Great Dane Coffee B. Background on social media and business C. Description of Great Dane’s social media D. Purpose of report E. Description of data sources F.

Email Memo – Invitation to Connect on LinkedIn

Memorandum To: Meera Patel, Matthew De Rose, and Zachary Goldman From: Sydney Dunn Date: July 4th 2020 Subject: Invitation to connect on LinkedIn As described in lesson 2:2 of ENGL 301 I have created a professional profile on the popular

Email Memo: Invitation to Make Connection on LinkedIn

Memorandum To: The Glam Fam Professional Writing Team From: Matthew De Rose, Team Member Subject: Invitation To Make a  Connection on LinkedIn   As per the description for assignment 2.2 we are to update our LinkedIn Profile following the best

Memorandum: Invitation to LinkedIn Profile

To:                       Dr.Erika Paterson, English 301 Instructor. The Glam Fam, English 301 Writing Team. From:                  Meera Patel, English 301 Student Date:                   July 03, 2020 Subject:              Posting and Sharing of LinkedIn Profile I have created a LinkedIn profile after researching

Memorandum: Posting of LinkedIn Best Practices

To:                       The Glam Fam, English 301 Writing Team From:                  Meera Patel, English 301 Student Date:                   June 29, 2020 Subject:              Posting of LinkedIn best practices LinkedIn is an online networking platform used to connect a user base of employers,

Email Memo: LinkedIn Best Practices

Memorandum To: Meera Patel, Zachary Goldman, Matthew de Rose From: Sydney Dunn Date: June 29th 2020 Subject: Professional Networking Research Summary   As directed in our most recent assignment, I have conducted research into how to effectively use LinkedIn and


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