Tlicho Sunshine attendance project
How can I not post a link to a project from my own region? Many of our students came in on weekends to take filmmaking workshops and to film these productions. Attendance is a target issue in our region, and this project aims to improve school-community relations and attendance. This is an example of empowering students to address contemporary issues in culturally-relevant ways. Make sure to follow the link to the videos, and while at, you can see what other information is here. There is an interesting section on cosmology.


November 6, 2011   No Comments

Aboriginal Perspectives NFB

A site displaying a number of documentary films by and about Aboriginal peoples. There are lots of interesting films to view here, organized around themes. There is also a section on how to use the films in classrooms, as well as a rationale surrounding the collection. It also includes a lesson plan on an idea of how to use the films in class. The collection is large and diverse, and is conveniently organized.


November 6, 2011   No Comments