First Nations Public Library Week….
The following web page:
…represents the Northern portion of Southern Ontario (hopefully this makes sense to you).
The webpage is meant to describe and draw attention to the yearly celebration of First Nations Public Libraries, given the acronym FNPLW. I’m not sure of the exact scope of the event but it seems to be celebrated within Ontario for sure, and it looks like its been going on for the past three years during the first week in February.
I think this sort of event is a great opportunity to showcase opportunities provided by a public Library where access is not an issue. This kind of event will also hopefully break down any imaginary walls for First Nations people regarding accessing literature in a plce that encourages use of materials.
I currently work in a secondary school library for one block, and since beginning this new area of teaching there seems to be an overwhelming amount of information distributed regaridng the incorportation of technology into teaching and learning. During my research of First Nations libraries so far there hasn’t been too much discussion of any incorportation of technology or possible uses that work best with oral traditions. Still searching though…
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