Regen’s connection to Research Topic…..

My final research paper will be focusing on First Nations K-12 youth and their access to public libraries within Canada. School aged students typically have access to libraries within their schools, so I am therefore more concerned with student access to libraries outside of a school campus.


From what I have discovered thus far, it seems Canada’s First Nations population is only allowed to rent resources from ‘on-reserve’ libraries and not allowed to rent resources from publicly funded libraries. Since reserves typically do not raise tax dollars for use within non-reserve bordering cities, residents of reserves are therefore not permitted to use the available resources available for people who pay city taxes.


Again, I am just in the initial stages of research for my final paper but it seems as though this legislation does not make entire sense in regards to youth access to libraries. Since youth living on or off a reserve within Canada do not pay city taxes it seems strange to restrict access to public libraries.


Regardless of the fairness of the legislation, it is a shame that First Nations people cannot exploit the great resources and technology that libraries can offer. Finally, the paper will also try and match possible uses of technology to First Nations culture that may preserve and present First Nations culture in a unique and timely manner.





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