Webcasts and Webinars supporting First Nations Literacy for youth and adults….


Here’s a site I came across during a ‘yahoo’ search….




This site provides access to past (2008) webinars and webcasts geared towards improving First Nations Literacy for students and adults alike within Canada.


Some overviews of the webcasts include the following….


“This presentation looks at the story of how people interested in improving literacy levels came together from Beardy’s and Okemasis First Nation to turn talk into action and respond to the literacy needs of their community. Sandi and Marlene walk participants through the development of a literacy plan for their community, and talk about some results of that plan.”


“This panel presentation brings together representatives from northern Saskatchewan communities and the Saskatchewan ministry of education’s Early Learning and Child Care Branch who are involved in early-literacy programming initiatives. Hannah and Bernice are literacy-committee members of the Pinehouse community. Rebecca is Kids First Program Manager for ELCC in LaRonge. Kathy is responsible for the pre-kindergarten programs.”


“In this presentation, Elmer, a journalist with the Regina Leader Post, reflects on the negative image he believes Aboriginal people have received in the mainstream media, where he did not see himself reflected. This session reviews how Elmer worked with Glenda McNab of the Gordon First Nation on a newspaper that told positive stories of Aboriginal people, with the Regina Leader Post printing and distributing the paper.”


What drew my attention to this website was the first account presentations that deal with specific regions of Canada. Even though I plan to focus my final paper on Library Services for First Nations youth, Literacy is a definite issue that can be supported under the umbrella of Library Services.





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