Module 2 Second set of postings – Marie-France Hétu
Web Log notes Module # 2
This week, I thought I would begin by exploring the Métis collective memories.
Here is the first source I explored:
The web-interfaced database: Métis National Council (MNC) Historical Online Database is part of the Métis Archival Project (MAP) efforts from the Faculty of Native Studies at the University of Alberta to provide information extracted from archival documents that are felt relevant to the historical Métis Nation. The information on this website is essentially composed of digital photography and documents used to be available at Library and Archives Canada or on microfilm. This website is a collaborative effort between the Federal government and the Métis National Council.
Thorough archival searches were conducted by the Faculty of Native Studies to gather material relevant to Métis history. This website provides the general public and Métis users with access to their ancestor’s documents. I believe this web site is a good way to store collective memories, as it could facilitate the process of re-connection with cultural identity. Educators and learners alike could also be interested in this website as an educational tool, as well as the general public. Source # 2 |
This website is in French. It appears to be more of an informative site than one that is very interactive. It appears destined as much for Huron-Wendat people than for visitors. The historical information provided is very basic and again almost given as if a tourist is looking for information. Most information is conveyed in the third person, and the collective ‘we’ or ‘nous’ is not often used. There is one element that appears more interactive and is likely updated, that is the news and job segments. Although again both jobs and events appear open to everyone. The site is attractive and professional, althoughsSome areas of the Website remain empty (perhaps it is still under construction), while the word of the chief Konrad Sioui dates back to May 2012. The most elaborate part of the website is the services segment. I was particularly impressed with their environmental vision based on ancestral notions, where the ‘we’ as the Huron-Wendake nation is quite evident. It also appears that this small community has put into place community programs that help individuals become autonomous, supporting their endeavors in the following domains: education, socialization and qualifications. The community offers an impressive amount of full-time and part-time educational programs, from reorientation courses to courses leading to various certificates and degrees. This community also has its own primary school with a mission based on the child’s intellectual, social and cultural needs according to Huron-Wendat nation beliefs. I also came across a link to “Yakwennra”. This takes you to the Huron-Wendat local newspaper, which is so elaborate with community news that it deserves a separate blog. Source # 3été-2012.pdf?sfvrsn=0
Yakwennra is a quarterly community newspaper that is a relatively new endeavor. The newspaper is filled with community events touching various socio-cultural happenings within the community. School events, historical events and future events seem to take up as much importance, which I felt somewhat demonstrated the circular time line. I was impressed with the quality of this paper, both in print and photo. It appears here that the Huron-Wendat people have managed to use the Internet to celebrate their culture, reflecting on the past, outlining ongoing events and events to take place in the near future. Yes print is used to tell the stories instead of storytelling, but truly the stories depicted in this newspaper reveal a community that is very much rooted with their culture and proud of it! Various projects also show an interesting collaboration with other entities within the provincial and federal government, namely concerning health services, and the relocation of ancestral remains. I also found it interesting that the newspaper covered news, events and projects about the entire community, from the very young, to the working force, political figures, local community services, the police and the elderly. This newspaper is clearly out to proudly show where they come from, what they have accomplished and how they envision the future. It appears that this endeavor is funded by some form of advertising, and that everyone in the community contributes to covering or furnishing the stories and photos. Source # 4 I now wanted to explore First Nations communities in Ontario and fell upon this site: and then looking under the communities tab I found a complete repertoire of First Nations communities, I had no idea there were that many – what an eye opener. So I decided to visit the Amjiwnaang First Nation community website at the following link: By their first page this site clearly welcomes visitors. After perusal, it appears to mainly offer a repertoire of community services within the community. I was surprised to see in the right-hand column advertising that promotes girls guides and boy scouts? This is very much a ‘Western’ tradition and it seems this community has adopted this tradition. The website indicates “Let us share with you the uniqueness that this community has developed within itself and to the communities that surround us.” Yet, Even the news segment contains little more information than who the band council members are. There is a login format, so perhaps the other aspects of the website are for community members only. There appears to be a blog, for it indicates there are 24 guests online, yet the actual forum is not accessible to me. Perhaps this is an example where the website discussions are almost exclusively for members of the community. Site # 5 There was however a link to the Aamjiwnaang First Nation environment and health committee, which I decided to explore next: The Environment Committee of Aamjiwnaang’s goal is to preserve the environment for present and future generations, as well as to protect and promote the health, safety and education of their people. This site is open to visitors, I was particularly interested in the segment about their history. This page offers information about their more recent history concerning their struggle to make their environmental rights known concerning pollution from big Sarnia chemical companies. Within their news archive they provide various news bulletins mainly related to health and environment issues from 2006 till now. This page offers video footage and many PDF articles and essays that document the Aamjiwnaang’s actions and efforts over the years to make their voice heard concerning health and environment issues. This website very much promotes social and political involvement within a program that seems to be well embedded within the community framework.
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