Final Weblog Statement

Statement connecting weblog to research interests

As I reflect on my weblog entries, I realized that my research focus drastically changed from what I started with. Initially, I had intended to narrow in on the use of media; specifically video production and its implications on student engagement. Almost all my weblog posts were directed towards this area and the Tim Michel interview in the last week changed all that. I began to think holistically and even though the most important part of conducting research is narrowing down a topic, I decided that I would take the opposite approach in my final project. As such, I picked out the main themes that stuck out to me within this course and articulated my thoughts on them. My understanding of the subject matter is a culmination of prior experience, course readings, weblog entries and discussion. For this reason, my weblog entries are not directly related to my final project but along with other peoples entries, they did play a role in furthering my understanding.


Manny Loyla


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