Curve Lake First Nations Library & the Ontario Lottery Gaming (OLG) Corp….

ETEC 521:


Resource #8:


This website provides another example of a First Nations library in Southern Ontario, within the region of Curve Lake. Under the heading of ‘Services and Departments’ this site offers a great list of library services that it offers to its members. From the pictures the atmosphere of the library seems quite updated and inviting. The website is very professional too and seems like this First Nations group takes pride in the library.


Looking at some of the other tabs on the website, it was interesting to note that part of the Curve Lake Library is funded by the Ontario Lottery & Gaming (OLG) Corporation. I am not sure of the exact amount or if other Reserves receive this monetary support from the OLG. It would also be interesting to research how closely the funding is linked to the existing operation of the library. If the funding increased or decreased how would this impact the library in the future?





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