Reel Injun – the full length movie

Thanks to Camille for mentioning this movie.  I came across a link through CBC’s “the passionate eye” to the full length film.

The film documents the depiction of indigenous people by Hollywood – from silent films to those made today.  Some of the stereotypes shown are as follows:  stoic warrior, noble hero, and free spirit.  It was quite interesting to witness the depictions visually – it sort of solidified the injustice of such a stereotype.  It is encouraging to note that films made recently tend to depict more complete, real, human characters.

I am horrified about the thought that the population assumed that indigenous people would “vanish” and felt the need to romanticize about their way of life.   I am also aghast that in the older movies, “every Indian is a Plains Indian.”  Hopefully, as we become more educated so will our learners and we will begin to exact change on the stereotypes.

You can watch the video here:



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