First Scientists Videos

Whoa…I will end with my 5th weblog post on an optimistic note.

As we embark on strategies to minimize stereotypes and to accommodate the aboriginal learner in the classroom, we want to seek methods that merge two different approaches.

This website presents videos of a collaboration of traditional indigenous knowledge and western science.  There is a vignette regarding two unique ecosystems, agriculture, and natural health.

To me, this represents evidence of change.  It also represents evidence of respect of knowledge and skills among the stakeholders.  It’s a slow beginning…but hopefully the foundation is established for more collaboration and a better relationship among cultures.


1 mackenzie { 10.13.12 at 3:34 pm }

Hi Janet,

Thank you for sharing this website! It’s great to see scientists valuing the Indigenous way of looking at the world from a more wholistic and interrelated perspective. I started with wanting to cover this marrying of thinking between westernized and Indigenous perspective in regards to science, but this path ended up leading me towards media studies, a factor that will become important in sharing and creating this interwoven perspective. Over time, my research topic has morphed into media studies for Indigenous people and how they, and others, can learn about the role of media technology in helping them share their worldview in an age of globalization. Like scientific thinking, media technology can be either wholistic or reductionist in our creation of worldview….and that there is also this dilemma of optimization and further colonization of the Indigenous world view that needs to also be considered.

Cheers, Steve

2 mackenzie { 10.31.12 at 11:26 am }

Hi Janet,

I particularily liked the piece on Bras D’Or Lake Project and the partnership between the Mi’Kmaq community and modern scientists.

I particularily found Albert Marshall’s statement insightful:

“Isn’t that what evolution is all about. We all learn from each other and I think ultimately this is our vision. The more we share of what we know with each other then I think that way we can create a much more friendly environment for future generations.”

Cheers, Steve

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