Library Services for First Nations in BC….

Hello all,

This is my first post here on the ETEC 521 weblog. I usually teach secondary math (8-11) but am fortunate enough to have one block of library this semester.

I therefore want to conduct my research on the current state of Library Services for First Nation’s people within the Province of BC.

Within an online search I initially came across an article which commented on the passing of the 1994 Library Service Act in BC, granting First Nations people use of public libraries without a fee to do so.

The link is as follows:

From the BC Library Association website, this article discussed hurdles to access for First Nations in previously accessing library services.

Prior to the Act passing, Reserves were not granted access to library materials without a fee because the laws stated that since tax dollars were not collected from Reserves to help fund non-reserve public libraries. This reasoning was shocking and quite surprising considering the year was 1994 when access was granted. Unbelievable!!!!

This article was obviously an eye-opener into some of the politics that surround library access, and other potential access obstacles to learning for First Nations people.




September 18, 2012   No Comments