As I continue to write about juku, supplementary education more general, and other topics, I will begin to keep a glossary of terms that I will be using regularly.
MEXT or Ministry of Education = (Japanese) Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
PISA = OECD Programme for International Student Assessment
SME = small and medium enterprise
Japanese Terms in English
gakushûjuku [学習塾] = juku focused on academic subjects
gakyûhôkai [学級崩壊] = breakdown of classrooms
hogosha [保護者] = guardian
hoshû [補習] = remedial tutoring, cf. shingaku
juku [塾] = private education institution, I mostly use this to refer to for-profit education businesses teaching academic subjects, see gakushûjuku
jukuchô [塾長] = juku operator, principal
kobetsushidô [個別指導] = individualized instruction
kôhai [後輩] = younger/junior student, club member, co-worked
kojinjuku [個人塾] = owner-operated juku
kônaijuku [校内塾] = juku within (state-recognized) school
ôteijuku [大手塾] = corporate juku
sempai [先輩] = older/senior student, club member, co-worker
shingaku [進学] = accelerated or enriched instruction, cf. hoshû
yobikô [予備校] = juku that specifically prepares for university entrance examinations
yutori (kyôiku) [ゆとり教育]
Other Foreign Terms
buxiban [chn. 補習班]
cursinho [port.]
hagwon [kor. 학원]
Nachhilfe [ger.] = remedial tutoring