Monthly Archives: September 2016


Jukupedia Complete

While not everything has been said about Juku, obviously, I seem to have written about the results of my research to the extent that it has been suitable for a blog post and have no longer been adding new posts since April 2014.

I thank all readers for their attention very much and hope that you continue to find valuable insights about supplementary education in these posts.

Looking back on Jukupedia: Coverage

Over the course of actively writing posts for Jukupedia from 2011 to 2014, I covered many different topics in 116 posts, all but 2 of which I wrote.

Japan” and “Juku in Japan” were the categories I assigned most frequently to posts.

Other frequent topics were “supplementary education“, “supplementary education researchers“, “United States” and “Vancouver” as is clear from the tag cloud in the right margin.

Posts focused on supplemetary education in Japan primarily, but the context in  many different countries also received attention:

Looking back on Jukupedia: Readership

This blog represents the result from my research on the marketization of supplementary education in Japan, funded by a grant from the Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC),

I and some guest authors wrote posts here for three years from April 2011 through March 2014.

One way to judge whether my research has reached scholarly as well as public audiences is to have a look at the blog access statistics.

Readership for this Blog

In total, more than 8,500 users have read almost 20,000 pages (as of September 2016).

That figure will obviously continue to grow as search results will continue to lead readers to this site.

These 8,500 readers have generally read 1.6 pages and have remaind with the site for 1.5min on average, which strikes me as a reasonable time for a blog post, given that this average would include some access by bots (preyumably) and some readers who recognized quickly that they had mis-navigated.

Rougly 20% of the readership was based in Canada and the U.S. each. An eigth  of all readers originated in Japan. The UK, Germany and India were next in terms of top originating countries.

A fifth of traffic arrived at the blog through searches, the remainder found Jukupedia through referral or unknown means.

The most-read individual post (300+ readers) focused on juku-connections in the 2011 government of PM Noda. A post that discussed university entrance examinations as the linchpin of the education system was also read nearly 300 times.

Even the least-read posts received more than 20 views.