
Nursing History Symposia 2025

2025 Nursing History Symposium – April 14, 2025

REGISTER HERE: https://nursing.ubc.ca/community/events/2025/2025-nursing-history-symposium-save-date




Celebrating 35 Years Dedicated to Preserving the 

History of Nursing in BC

1990 to 2025 

Keynote speaker: Dr. Megan Davies 

The nurses of Hornby Island: Post-career Pathways


Panel to follow: ‘Sharing experiences of preserving our history’

Location: Cecil Green Park House

Cecil Green Park House 6251 Green Park Road: Google Maps

Time: 9:30 am – 2:00 pm 

Registration and program info


Megan Davies: The nurses of Hornby Island: Post-career Pathways


Megan’s presentation explores the work of a group of nurses pivotal to the establishment of an early home support society on BC’s Hornby Island in the late 1970s. The Hornby Island nurses – many of them retirees – served as volunteer members of the society’s board, transcending their professional practice by engaging with a new provincial “social health” program, sometimes as health activists representing elders from their remote rural community. Yet they remained definitively nurses. Themes of nursing leadership, nursing identity, nursing practices of organization and management and shared nursing knowledge and ways of seeing shaped their work, and also this study.


Megan J. Davies is a Professor (Emerita), Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies, York University, Toronto, Canada. She is a historian of health with a regional focus on BC. She currently works on old age, madness, and everyday medicine. As part of the MadnessCanada.com community, Megan has participated in a number of academic-community collaborations, most notably the 2013 documentary, The Inmates Are Running the Asylum. In January 2022, with the support of a Shadbolt Fellowship, Megan launched COVID in the House of Old, a public exhibit, website and podcast. She has numerous publications on health history.


Nursing History Symposium 2022


November 8, 2022 at 9:30 am PT
at the Cecil Green Park House, UBC-V Campus

Public Health and Pandemic Caring in Context

($10 admission – lunch will be served) and online via Zoom (free)*

with Dr. Esyllt Jones, University of Manitoba

Pandemic Caring: public health nursing and community in the history of infectious disease

The 1918-19 influenza pandemic demonstrated the power of nursing in a disease crisis. At the time, and later in the eyes of historians, nursing interventions were valued because they alleviated suffering and meant an increased chance of survival when there few medical treatment options. Much of this nursing care was delivered outside of formal hospital settings, in locales that blurred the boundaries between institution, community, and home. In local neighbourhoods, public health nursing and private nursing organizations had for decades served those with virtually no access to health care, in places where infectious disease was a constant risk and a leading cause of mortality and disability. This form of nursing – in homes, at mission houses, for private agencies such as the VON – played a role historically that we barely recognize today, when the face of pandemic nursing is that of critical care.

Historical resonances nonetheless abound. Public health leaders are now calling for a return to community and neighbourhood-level engagement and health care investment, partly in response to pandemic inequality and vaccine access. This paper will draw from historical analyses of community-level nursing in the past, and suggest ways in which nursing might engage with those success and failures.

Dr. Esyllt W. Jones is a professor of history at the University of Manitoba. Her research interests include history of health, public health and pandemic history. She is the author of Influenza 1918: Disease, Death and Struggle in Winnipeg, and co-editor of the recently published Medicare’s Histories: Origins, Omissions and Opportunities in Canada (2022).


9.30    Registration and refreshments
10.00  Opening Remarks –

Dr. Elizabeth Saewyc, Professor and Director

Dr. Geertje Boschma, Professor
Reflecting on the Legacy of Helen Shore

10.20    Keynote with Dr. Esyllt Jones | discussion
11.15    Break

11.45    Panel discussion with:
Dr. Susan Duncan, Professor, School of Nursing, University of Victoria
Dr. Sonya Grypma, Adjunct Professor, School of Nursing, UBC-V

Dr. Alison Phinney, Professor, School of Nursing, UBC-V
Dr. Mariko Sakamoto, Alzheimer Society of Canada Postdoctoral Fellow,

School of Social Work, UBC
12.45    Closing remarks

12.50    Lunch


The recording of the 2022 Nursing History Symposium is now available with its permanent link in the UBC Open Collection of the UBC Library:

Public Health and Pandemic Caring in Context Item URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2429/83409




Nursing History Symposium 2021


Nursing Artifacts and Nurses’ Uniforms: Preserving Nurses’ Cultural History

A Symposium in Honor of the BC History of Nursing Society’s 30th Anniversary

Date: 23 Nov 2021

Presented by: Keynote Speaker: Christina Bates, former curator of the Canadian Museum of History and author of A Cultural History of the Nurse’s Uniform

ONLINE: Webinar/Zoom

Time: 12.00 noon – 1.30 pm

Please register via the School of Nursing – events website: https://nursing.ubc.ca/news-events/events



Schedule of Events

12:00: Welcome and Opening Remarks by

  • Kathy Murphy, President, BC History of Nursing Society
  • Geertje Boschma, Professor, UBC School of Nursing

12:10: Keynote Address by Christina (Tina) Bates, former curator of the Canadian Museum of History, Ottawa

          “Nursing History Embodied: Collecting and Researching a Uniform Collection”

  • Tina Bates will present the Canadian History Collection of 1,800 artifacts, with a focus on its 52 uniforms from nursing schools across Canada. She will demonstrate material culture methods that can tease out meaning from artifacts. Based on her book, A Cultural History of the Nurse’s Uniform, she will examine the role of the uniform in creating nursing identity over one hundred years. The uniform was an active participant in the changing culture of nursing work and thought.
  • Following the presentation, there will be time for discussion with the audience.


12:45: Fashion Show of Nurses’ Uniforms

  • Facilitated by the members of the BC History of Nursing Society

Closing Remarks by Kathy Murphy and Geertje Boschma



Nursing History Symposium 2019

Keynote: Dr. Susan Duncan, Professor & Director, School of Nursing, University of Victoria

100 Years of University Nursing Education: Looking Back and Looking Forward – Why Then? Why not Now?

Time: Registration & Refreshments at 9:30  Program from 10:00 to 2:00

Place: Cecil Green Park House at 6251 Green Park Road, UBC Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z1

Registration: Regular: $10.00  Students & Retirees: $5.00  Remote Webcast No Charge

View the Short Program Here

View the Program and Abstracts Here

To Attend in Person or Remotely Register Here


Nursing History Symposium 2018 Review

By Katherine Miller, Nursing Librarian, UBC Library

On March 8th, 2018, the “In Search of Nursing’s History” symposium was co-hosted by Woodward Library, the School of Nursing’s Consortium of Nursing History, and BC’s History of Nursing Society at Woodward Library.

The morning began with Dr. Geertje Boschma, professor in UBC School of Nursing and Katherine Miller, Nursing Librarian greeting the 36 guests gathered to learn more about how UBC Library and Archives are supporting UBC and community researchers on the history of nursing.

Aleteia Greenwood opened the presentations with a brief history of the library, amalgamation of branches through the years and unique collections. She also highlighted the contributions of Lee Ann Bryant, former Nursing Librarian. This was followed by a panel presentation and conversation with:

  • Amber Saundry, Digital Repository Librarian gave a presentation written in collaboration with Larissa Ringham, UBC Digital Projects Librarian, “Preserving Nursing and Health History in a Time of Digitization and Open Collections”
  • Krisztina Laszlo, Archivist UBC Library Rare Books and Special Collections shared about “Archival Records and Nursing History”,
  • Claire Williams, MAS/MLIS Candidate, “Archiving Networks of Support” – Positive Women’s Network.
  • Erwin Wodarczak, Acting Head UBC Archives “Records and Collections on Nursing History in UBC Archives”
  • Dr. Helen Vandenberg, Assistant Professor, University of Saskatchewan College of Nursing and UBC alumni (presenting virtually).

Watch the video of panel members sharing their thoughts and expertise by clicking HERE

After the panel presentations, guests engaged with the Woodward Library’s spaces and nursing history resources collections and artifacts with a “Walkabout”. In the Charles Woodward Memorial Room, two display cases contain nursing history artifacts from infant feeders to Ethel Johns’ nursing medals. In the display case next to the Memorial Room, the Consortium for Nursing History and UBC School of Nursing displayed a visual history of the School of Nursing from 1900s until 1990s. The McKechnie Room hosted a display of books from Xwi7xwa and Woodward Libraries, a poster by Katherine Miller “Collections and Research Services”, a display of new books published by UBC Press on nursing history, and a booth from the Consortium for Nursing History Inquiry at UBC Vancouver.


Here a group of nursing students view the Infant Feeders Collection at the Charles Woodward Memorial Room. Collection held by UBC Archives. Photo Credit: UBC Library Communications


A participant explores a display by the BC History of Nursing Society in the Sherrington Room at UBC Woodward Library. Photo Credit: UBC Library Communications.


A Symposium Participant views the “Master of Sciences” and “Masters of Spirit” Tapestries in the Charles Woodward Memorial Library Room. Photo Credit: UBC Library Communications.

Thank you to the organizing committee from UBC Library: Aleteia Greenwood, Robert Janke,  Krisztina Laszlo, Jing Liu, Katherine Miller, Larissa Ringham, Amber Saundry, Erwin Wodarczak; and from the campus and community: Dr. Geertje Boschma, professor in UBC School of Nursing; Catherine Haney, PhD candidate School of Nursing; BC History of Nursing Members: Nan Martin and Kathy Murphy.

Thank you to UBC Library colleagues for your contributions and support: Carolyn Carvajal, David Cumming, Katherine Hill, Anne Miele, Zofia Szuberla and the Information Desk team at Woodward Library; Kim Lawson and Eleanore Wellwood, Xwi7xwa Library; Chelsea Shriver, Rare Books and Special Collections; Michelle Blackwell and her Communications Team.

A special thank you to UBC-IT for their support of the symposium, using technology to include Dr. Vanderberg, and special guest history of nursing author, Glennis Zilm, and for recording the symposium.

We invite you to come see the special exhibits, which will be on display until the end of April 2018.

The recording of the Nursing Symposium is available in cIRcle: http://hdl.handle.net/2429/64858

See more photos here!


Nursing History Symposium 2018

Register for the 2018 Nursing History Symposium


(Click Images to Enlarge)

Click Here for More Details and Registration

Presented by: UBC librarians, archivists, the UBC Consortium for Nursing History Inquiry, and the BC History of Nursing Society

Time: 10 am – 2 pm

Venue: Memorial Room, UBC Woodward Library, 2198 Health Sciences Mall, Vancouver, BC [MAP]; Disability Access

Contacts: nursinghistory@nursing.ubc.ca; https://blogs.ubc.ca/nursinghistory/

Twitter: @ubcnursing #nursinghistory


REGISTRATION (lunch included)

General ticket: $15

Reduced ticket (students & retirees): $10



Health History Lecture & Display

Join the Consortium on January 10, 2017 at 12:00 for our next Health History Lecture

The suitcase project display at the School of Nursing January 10 – March 2, 2017