People on the Pipeline

The People on the Pipeline Video Contest, a project of the Eco Art Incubator in 2014, was a response to the publicity campaign by Enbridge, Inc. that promoted the building of the Northern Gateway Pipeline across northern British Columbia.  The Eco Art Incubator produced a mock commercial “We Can’t Hear You” based on a particularly offensive TV commercial in which an Enbridge CEO, Janet Holder, praises the pipeline as she walks through pristine forests with golden retrievers romping at her heels. The goal of our mock ad was to launch a contest for the best short video expressing alternative thoughts and opinions about the Northern Gateway pipeline, to counterbalance Enbridge’s substantial investment in promoting its point of view.  Along with the contest, our graduate student researcher Emily Nilsen put together an online gallery that features a wide range of anti-Northern Gateway art.

The grand prize winner of the contest was “Haida Raid” by Jaalen Edenshaw and Gwaai (Hluugiitgaa) Edenshaw of Haida Gwaii and their collaborator, Dr. Ken Raj Leslie of Waterloo.  The contest was judged by filmmaker Helen Haig-Brown.

Check out the People on the Pipeline website here.

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