First I write a long-ish posting about my presentation at NERCOMP, and the event itself, and what a brilliant guy Bryan Alexander is, and how much I enjoyed the other speakers, and spice it up with copius details about long travel days that could not be interesting to anyone, but did pack a certain cathartic punch when I wrote them. And do I ever go on about how tired I am after two nights of three hours sleep each, and the prospect of another cross-continent flight back to Vancouver.
Then I somehow delete most of the post in the course of an ill-conceived edit.
I sit here in the airport, doing my best not to succumb to an orgy of self-pity.
Then I log onto the wireless network, check out NHL Radio, and learn that not only is there an NHL game on in Boston tonight… the freakin’ Maple Leafs are visiting the Bruins!!! HERE!!!! Just a couple miles away.
My inner child is throwing a fit of epic proportions. Thank the Goddess that the Bruins don’t play in the Gahden anymore, or I might not make it onto the plane.
nice place you got here. been thinking alot about TrustNetworks and boom, I run into someone who mentions how cool bryan is, and I think, this is interesting.