…here’s some tunage from a group that effortlessly sounds both traditional and cutting-edge all at once, Big Blood:
Video via echoplanar productions.
More on Big Blood via Scott Williams on the WFMU blog. The post also includes two tracks that may be downloaded and shared via a Creative Commons license.
Incidentally, WFMU is presently at work on the Free Music Archive, “an online digital library of music that will allow music fans, webcasters and podcasters to listen, download, and stream for free, with no restrictions, registration or fees.” Longtime readers of this weblog might have some idea how excited I am that WFMU is taking this on…
Among the Free Music Archive’s early projects is Codpaste, “in which the two artists People Like Us and Ergo Phizmiz will attempt to compose collage music from the very beginning, in a “work in progress” style, attempting to open up the creative process.” The podcast will not just feature finished works but post “(i) audio sources, the tracks used as the basis for the collage in the episode, (ii) sketches, mixes and collages combining track’s elements, with added instrumentation, electronics, vocals, etc, and (iii) fragments, layers, and multitracks of the collage compositions.”
Wow, that woman can sing. Hypnotic in its circularity with the banjo pacing around so steadily. What is the woman on the floow doing?
I love the music blogging Brian, can never get enough. Thanks for this.