Until the wheels come off…

I’m both honoured and terrified to be one of the speakers for the Innovating e-Learning 2009 Online Conference hosted by the fine folks at JISC. The program… err, the programme features a remarkable host of speakers on the theme of “thriving, not just surviving.” There promises to be some great discussions and you can join in November 24-27 — without feeling guilt for your carbon footprint.

This is a short teaser for my own session, sporting the appropriately grandiose title: “Are the wheels coming off the open education juggernaut?”

About Brian

I am a Strategist and Discoordinator with UBC's Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology. My main blogging space is Abject Learning, and I sporadically update a short bio with publications and presentations over there as well...
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4 Responses to Until the wheels come off…

  1. Lou McGill says:

    oh my god the man is a maniac; )

    I am so looking forward to your presentation at the conference and the discussion in the q&a session. I do think it’s time to take stock and celebrate the benefits of open sharing but yes we really need to carry on talking about sustainability, sharing cultures, and use/re-use of open resources.

    not there yet… but I hope the wheels haven’t come off… maybe just a bit wobbly

    Personally as a home educator (outside the formal system in ALL senses of the word) I benefit hugely from open resources – I am lucky to have freedom of choice, good access and specific needs that I can articulate. Of course not all of us have these…

  2. Brian says:

    Too kind Lou…

    For anyone who happens to be looking in on this thread, I recommend Lou’s study on sharing, “Good Intentions”:


    As well as her recent Prezi artifact, OER synthesis and findings:


    Fantastic stuff!

  3. Andy Lane says:

    Great mashup and great questions to get us going. As the facilitator for your session I thought I might add some more questions and comments to get a conversation going here as well as in the conference itself.

    Some themes that come to mind are:

    What are open educational practices? And is your style of remix what all should be doing for our classes or should a group of us collectively produce the lively Physics 101 etc?

    How might/do learners use OER? Do learners want to just use stuff as is, or comment on them or rework them? Do they want to share playlists of interersting stuff or want organised open text books?

    How might/do teachers use OER? Are they add ons to the serious business in the classroom or are they central to new forms of open teaching where folk only occasionally meet f2f if at all?

    How might/do OER affect educational business models? Are we going to deschool education and pick it up from whoever and wherever we want? Content from MIT, tution from India, assessment from Japan and recognition from our worldwide peers?

  4. Alan Levine says:

    Looking forward to seeing what DJ Lamb mashes up.

    I offer a Gumpism, “Open is as open does.”

    If one has any doubt as to what is possible via online content for people unfettered by fear or lack of what they don;t know they lack (aka kids) I’m reeling from what is possible via Sugata Mitra’s Hole in the Wall

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