Author Archives: Brian

About Brian

I am a Strategist and Discoordinator with UBC's Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology. My main blogging space is Abject Learning, and I sporadically update a short bio with publications and presentations over there as well...

A super trifecta from Bavaman

Jim "I’ve got your children" Groom – Edupunk Posterboy, originally uploaded by bionicteaching. Three recent triumphs by everybody’s favorite edupunker Jim Groom that merit some shout-outs: I was on an airplane when the recent NMC Online Conference in Second Life … Continue reading

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Northern Voice – Good times, disturbing news…

I’m pleased and more than a little relieved to pass on the news that the Moose will once again be loose next year, as the Northern Voice Personal Blogging and Social Media Conference will be back for its fifth year … Continue reading

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A social layer for DSpace?

A good morning’s work, originally uploaded by MrGluSniffer. The above image represents a snapshot of about two hours out of two days of intense dialogue with my primary host here at the UOC, Julià Minguillón. I will not begin to … Continue reading

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The hole in the wall: the holes in my thinking and my life

a line of screens, originally uploaded by phitar. Note: this was mostly written last Friday, and I only write here a small fraction of what I wanted… But I do not want to hold this post hostage until I get … Continue reading

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More on missing the point…

Sometimes you slave over a post that you hope will get people thinking and clicking and get no response. Other times, something dashed off in a moment seems to connect with people for mostly inexplicable reasons. My previous post triggered … Continue reading

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Am I missing the point on open educational resources?

self-titled, originally uploaded by procsilas. I’m sitting in the opening session of the UOC UNESCO Chair in E-Learning Fifth International Seminar on Fighting the Digital Divide through Education (I believe you can follow the presentations via video). So I don’t … Continue reading

Posted in OER | 21 Comments

How can we make assessment more flexible and meaningful?

I hate grading, and as a result don’t think enough about the potent and vital role of assessment in learning. I admit it’s a shortcoming. On the train back to Barcelona from the IN3 offices yesterday, I had a provocative … Continue reading

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Barca! Barca! Barca!

Plaça Catalunya – Barcelona HDR, originally uploaded by MorBCN. I haven’t blogged about it yet, because for some reason this opportunity seemed too good to be true. But here I undoubtedly am, in the great city of Barcelona, working with … Continue reading

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When you light the fuse, spare a thought for the little doggie…

Generally, Halloween makes me think even better of my neighbourhood. The kids running around are terrifyingly cute, of course. And it’s hard not to get a warm feeling from the generosity and evident fun being had by the treat-givers as … Continue reading

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No new media triumphalism here…

Financial turmoil – whichever way you look at it!, originally uploaded by canonsnapper. No question, a bad week for some traditional media heavyweights: It’s been an especially rotten few days for people who type on deadline. On Tuesday, The Christian … Continue reading

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