Author Archives: Brian

About Brian

I am a Strategist and Discoordinator with UBC's Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology. My main blogging space is Abject Learning, and I sporadically update a short bio with publications and presentations over there as well...

Headin’ down the road to Fat City

Image by Rob Kruyt Nearly a decade ago, when we were planning our return to Canada after a couple of years living in Mexico, we had no idea where in our home and native land we might be able to … Continue reading

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All the people can’t be wrong all the time – a defensive egoblogging reflex

One of the benefits of insignificance is that people rarely have reason to take shots at you. So when some fairly sharp criticisms were directed my way over my recent NMC Mashup Symposium mashup I really didn’t know how best to … Continue reading

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Viva El SeƱor Presidente!

I’ve blogged a couple times previously about the Murder, Madness and Mayhem Wikipedia project (MMM) this semester, as it is the most potent cocktail of new media learning and public education that I’ve ever tasted. As the semester wraps up, … Continue reading

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Without a doubt, the best figure skating blog I have ever seen…

Don’t even try to argue with me. Boot and Blade is definitely a figure skating blog. I can’t imagine a better place to go if I want to see the worst figure skating falls. You may have guessed that I’m … Continue reading

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Gardner Campbell, Computers as Poetry

I have lost count of the number of people who have asked for the media for Gardner Campbell’s wonderful session at UBC last month, “Computers as Poetry.” I just got the results back from the lab today, and while I … Continue reading

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Mashed out of my mind…

I am humbled by how much people seemed to enjoy my mashup unartistry delivered in Second Life yesterday (though that reaction was hardly unanimous). And while I’m a little embarrassed by the heaps of praise offered up by Alan Levine, … Continue reading

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Mashup mayhem dead ahead

A quick note to advertise my eager participation in next week’s NMC online Symposium on Mashups. The NMC knows how to do an online event up right, and my own interest in the topic is well-established. Looking forward to lots … Continue reading

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Analog bliss

Analog bliss, originally uploaded by MrGluSniffer. These were the records I acquired during a vinyl shopping expedition with Gardner Campbell (strike that one off my ‘things to do before I die’ list) when he visited Vancouver… As a result, the … Continue reading

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Is murder, madness and mayhem the future of higher education?

Central Library Interior #2, originally uploaded by lightgazer. I’ve been following the Murder, Madness and Mayhem project with keen interest since its inception, but have held off on blogging about the efforts beyond my enthusiastic initial impressions. For one, the … Continue reading

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Hackety Hack (Don’t Talk Back)

Not only is WFMU my cultural touchstone, it’s my source of tech news too. Off the WFMU Blog is this intriguing reference to Why the Lucky Stiff: Great swaths of deepest geek Japan know him as a core contributor to … Continue reading

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