Author Archives: Brian

About Brian

I am a Strategist and Discoordinator with UBC's Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology. My main blogging space is Abject Learning, and I sporadically update a short bio with publications and presentations over there as well...

Is ‘information literacy’ still the best terminology?

.flickr-photo { border: solid 2px #000000; } .flickr-yourcomment { } .flickr-frame { text-align: left; padding: 3px; } .flickr-caption { font-size: 0.8em; margin-top: 0px; } , originally uploaded by Trapingus Parish. I was in a meeting yesterday as part of a … Continue reading

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Attending Northern Voice: privilege or responsibility?

As my convalescence last week came to an end, my first task back-to-work was a write-up whooping up Northern Voice for UBC’s eStrategy newsletter. Reading it now, it’s clear I was still a bit delirious, with the writing more hucksterish … Continue reading

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On the mend…

It was little over a week ago that I first got intimately involved with what was either a “Norwalk-type virus“, or maybe the notorious naughty Norwalk itself. Honestly, the significance of that distinction eludes me. So not much worth talking … Continue reading

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Live @ UBC — Sound Strategies for Podcasting

If you will be in Vancouver next Tuesday I invite you to come to what promises to be an outstanding session on podcasting from three of UBC’s most accomplished and thoughtful practitioners. It’s presented in conjunction with TAG as part … Continue reading

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Five things… about ME! ME! ME!

So some time back D’Arcy tagged me with the “Five Things” meme.  I normally ignore these things, but D’Arcy has responded to too many of my requests for me to blow him off.  I’ve also been tagged by Steve Dembo … Continue reading

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Half-baked ramblings, spaghetti sauce, and the locus of control

So let me try to trace the outlines out… –> Feeling a bit uneasy, and fuzzy, I sketch out a post, drenched in undergraduate nostalgia, outlining objections to some discourse concerning the “net generation” and speculating on a counterintuitive role … Continue reading

Posted in Abject Learning | 4 Comments

Doing my bit to hype Second Life (and continue hyping Northern Voice)

Gus Goldkey (front, with ‘stache & mullet) tries to pretend he knows what the hell is going on So, feeling terribly left out by my absence from the ELI Annual Meeting (hi everyone!), Gus Goldkey decided to crash the NMC’s … Continue reading

Posted in Abject Learning | 5 Comments

Education is wasted on the prematurely middle-aged

Three or four bits, connected in some way I haven’t quite figured out yet. Last night I attended a reading at the downtown Vancouver library by Don Kerr, one of a handful of very special professors I studied under at … Continue reading

Posted in Abject Learning | 12 Comments

Northern Voice is filling up fast!

Apologies for the quiet in this space. Blogging is a bit like exercise, when you get out of the habit it’s tough to get back at it. I do want to pass on some Northern Voice related news: * Registration … Continue reading

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Cheery IP nugget of the morning

Remember, the current copyright laws and practices are fine, it’s the pirates we need to worry about. From my morning paper, Classic docs sent back to the vault: You the taxpayer paid for Donald Brittain’s The Champions, his National Film … Continue reading

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