Author Archives: Brian

About Brian

I am a Strategist and Discoordinator with UBC's Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology. My main blogging space is Abject Learning, and I sporadically update a short bio with publications and presentations over there as well...

NLII Fall Focus Session on Learning Objects…

I’m pretty fried right now… I’ve been packed in a boardroom at Ohio State University with twenty other planners of this year’s NLII Fall Focus Session on learning objects… tomorrow will be the culmination of over a year of planning … Continue reading

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Burden of (Learning Object) Dreams

I would be remiss if I didn’t give a shout-out to Alan Levine’s recent posting Repository of (Learning Object) Dreams, in which he describes the process by which Maricopa Learning eXchange (MLX) has grown out its collection. The tactics reviewed … Continue reading

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Kenton Good blogs ACCESS…

I don’t have the jam to weblog the sessions I am attending, but luckily I’ve encountered Kenton Good’s weblog… which was new to me. I stumbled on his page via the wonders of reverse linking (once again demonstrating the power … Continue reading

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Another riot at the Hyatt

I’m presenting at the ACCESS 2003 conference today. I’m pretty damned nervous, I’ve never spoken to librarians before, don’t know the secret handshake… and there are no concurrent sessions, so unless everybody goes for drinks after lunch this will be … Continue reading

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Reality check on organizational weblogging…

I recently linked to an inane set of criticisms on weblogging from the BBC. I like this piece from the Guardian better… Long after the term “weblog” is forgotten, the impact of what the word means will live on. Being … Continue reading

Posted in Webloggia | 1 Comment

Shake it baby, shake it – In colour, by the miracle of destructovision

I’ve always thought of the building I work in, UBC’s Main Library, as a prime piece of campus real estate. Centrally located, office windows that open, the core of the building is a lovely Gothic/Tudor hybrid, recently renovated for the … Continue reading

Posted in Administrivia | 2 Comments

Compatibility of Weblogs and ISSN

I’ll have to file this one away for my presentation at Access 2003 which is… [AWK!!] next week… The issue People who publish and maintain Weblogs have applied for ISSNs. Some registrars have immediately registered the Weblogs; others have categorically … Continue reading

Posted in tech/tools/standards | 1 Comment

Pachyderm madness

D’Arcy is all over this news on Pachyderm, but (I hope) these developments will have an impact on UBC as well, so I’ll do the echo thing here… Pachyderm is a piece of software developed by the San Francisco Museum … Continue reading

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Freakout Party Zone in Effect, and the word is out on a CMS Paper

Well, as usual, Scott has beat me to the punch on a new resource. Normally, there’s no great shame in that, but in this case it’s a bit embarrassing. First off, my colleague (OK, she’s my boss), UBC’s Director of … Continue reading

Posted in Webloggia | 2 Comments

I’ve never been much of a diary keeper (unlike my Father who was methodical about keeping a journal and eventually published the diaries he kept while Canada’s High Commissioner to London).

Apparently trying to channel some of that Howard Dean politico-blog mojo, now our Canadian Prime-Minister-in-Waiting (for about ten years now) has a blog, too. PM-to-be Paul Martin offers befuddled newbies a definition of the blog: No, it

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